Recruiting requires a certain level of sophistication, investment in infrastructure and strong ethical standards. This is what you are delivered when hiring eStyle.
It is a commonly known fact that recruiting focus groups in Winnipeg is a challenge. There are other markets like this as well! Every single agency, no matter how incredible we claim to be will eventually hit the same roadblock: frequent fliers, coached respondents and no shows. Unfortunately, there are only so many numbers that can be dialed and so many referrals that we can ask for.
The answer to this problem is two fold; one is in a disgusting amount of quality assurance and the other is in developing organically charged communities.
In addition to our team of quality assurance analysts (QA's) we have heavily invested in the development and rollout of our own proprietary portal Canada Survey.
We believe that every time a respondent is screened, they should be compensated. Every-time they show up on time for a group, they should be rewarded. As such, we've developed a currency based portal that encourages respondents to refer friends using our automated tools, keep their information up to date themselves and involve themselves in the community through interaction with us as well as other respondents. The viral tools, social media integration and organic referral functions have grown our community to over 125,000 active panelists with over 250 signups daily.
This is the way of 2.0 Focus Group Recruiting. Why choose us for your national campaign?
1. We have the Canada Survey Community. By the end of 2012 it will be the largest research community in Canada (we mean it)
2. We have a SWAT team of QA's that will stop at nothing to deliver squeeky clean, creative, intelligent respondents for you.
3. Our results are consistent across Canada.
4. We don't charge BS administration fees for booking facilities, making catering arrangements, etc.
5. Our network of facilities and suppliers are just as awesome as we are! They will stop at nothing to deliver.
You're one call away from your best Focus Group Recruiting experience. 403-984-3860 x200
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footer_logo,[assetName] => Footer Logo,[pluralName] => Footer Logo,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 230,[photoHeight] => 75,[attributes] => Array ([company_name] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Company Name))),[about_page] => Array ([db] => about_page,[assetName] => About Page,[pluralName] => About Page,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 800,[photoHeight] => 400,[attributes] => Array ([subtitle] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Subtitle),[body_title] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Body Title))),[teammates] => Array ([db] => teammates,[assetName] => Teammates,[pluralName] => Teammates,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 360,[photoHeight] => 360,[attributes] => Array ([job_title] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Job Title),[short_caption] => Array ([type] => multi,[label] => Caption),[long_bio] => Array ([type] => multi,[label] => Bio),[twitter] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Twitter),[facebook] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => facebook),[email] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Email),[phone] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Phone)))),[callToActionData] => Array ([contact_form] => Array ([label] => Contact,[dialogs] => Array ([formMessage] => Contact,[email] =>,[emailName] => Almin,[emailSubject] => Somone wants to talk to you from your website,[error] => There was an error sending your email.,[success] => The email was sent successfully,[body] => The following showing booking has been requested ),[fields] => Array ([id] => ID,[name] => Name,[email] => Email,[phone] => Phone #,[subject] => Subject,[message] => Message,[ip_address] => IP Address)),[newsLetter] => Array ([label] => Newsletter,[dialogs] => Array ([formMessage] => Join Our Newsletter,[email] =>,[emailName] => Almin,[emailSubject] => Someone joined your newsletter,[error] => There was an error sending your email.,[success] => The email was sent successfully,[body] => The following contact information was sent to you: ),[0] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Name,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => name,[restrictions] => required),[1] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Email,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => email,[restrictions] => required email),[2] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Submit Message,[fieldType] => submit,[fieldName] => submit)),[optin] => Array ([label] => Opt-In,[dialogs] => Array ([formMessage] => What is this?,[email] =>,[emailName] => Almin,[emailSubject] => Someone Opted in,[error] => There was an error sending your email.,[success] => The email was sent successfully,[body] => The following opt-in information was sent to you: ),[0] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Name,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => name,[restrictions] => none),[1] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Email,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => email,[restrictions] => none),[2] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Phone,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => phone,[restrictions] => none),[3] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Comment,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => comment,[restrictions] => none))),[blogModules] => Array ([ctaOpen] => contactTab,[ctaAlt] => Choose Stylelabs For Your Campaign,[showBlogImage] => ,[showFeaturedBlogImage] => ,[optPicture] => 1,[optVideoLink] => 1),[menuConfig] => Array ([locked] => Array ([0] => What-We-Do,[1] => About-Us,[2] => About-You,[3] => Samurai)),[database] => winnipegfocus),[ Samurai homepage] => index,[ Samurai isMobile] => ,[ Samurai isTablet] => ,[ Samurai module] => pages,[ Samurai version] => ,[ Samurai user] => SamuraiUser Object ([ * ssoKey] => 37Iq22thyeBMmqsE6xykZj65AefPgzivHjY5ZyD4norCY9zIis083mYp6dXlggEjNEyOAb2sWxfhLTEI5qvAlveaHDEzDqZPOwHG,[ * config] => /var/www/vhosts/,[absUrl] =>,[urlAbsUrl] =>,[resourceAbsUrl] =>,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[baseDir] => /var/www/vhosts/,[ * dbName] => winnipegfocus,[ * host] => localhost,[ * user] => winnipegfocus,[ * pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[ * development] => ,[local] => ,[ * mysql] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => 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Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1),[ Samurai parentUrl] =>,[ Samurai loginPage] => index,[ Samurai adminLoginPage] => index,[page_header] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => page_header,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[home_banner] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => home_banner,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[why_choose_us] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => why_choose_us,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[services] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => services,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[blog] => BlogModule Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[footer_logo] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => footer_logo,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[about_page] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => about_page,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[teammates] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => teammates,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[menu] => Menu Object ([ * pageHandler] => pages,[menuArray] => Array ([0] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => root,[children] => Array ([0] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => Upcoming Studies,[children] => Array (),[url] => Beer Tasting,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 51,[title] => Beer Tasting,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 45,[content] =>Thanks for agreeing to sign up. For this study, we will be paying $150 and offering free cigarettes to qualified participants for their participation. Please click on the button below, fill out our three minute survey and submit your responses. Remember to share this page with your friends AND we'll:
1. Enter your name into a ballot to win an iPad (1 for every friend you refer)
2. Send you a Starbucks or Tim Horton's coffee card (1 for every qualified referral that completes the study)
Canada's new Anti-Spam Legislation comes into effect this Tuesday, July 1. The legislation will help prevent unwanted spam from finding it's way to your mailbox.
We value your opinion, but in order to keep you notified of upcoming PAID focus groups and surveys, we need your consent! Please click on the button below to provide us with your consent, and be redirected to our online research community!
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When we built our facilities, we wanted to eliminate the stoic stigma associated with the focus group environment. Our goal was to create a very social, creative and technologically advanced space that would deliver seamless usability, and an atmosphere respondents and clients would want to come back to time and time again.
With Studios we have aggregated best practices from focus group facilities across North America and have customized each component to yield the aforementioned result. This includes:
- Heated underground parking, and plenty of street parking.
- Childcare facility for respondent and or client use.
- Main Floor, wheelchair accessibility.
- Hand picked furniture.
- High back, executive boardroom chairs.
- Custom built, modular boardroom table.
- Interactive respondent area with two separate entry/exit areas complete with bar tables, armchairs, and a 40 inch LCD TV.
- Closed circuit and mirror viewing for clients.
- Multiview respondent viewing capabilities
- Executive Chef catering.
- PC and Mac systems with TV and HDMI connecting capabilities and viewing.
- Wired/Wireless Internet.
- Printing in monochrome and colour options.
- Restaurant trained hosts and administrative staff.
- High Definition Web Streaming and viewer portal.
- Onsite and Remote Usability Labs
and much, much more!
Choosing The eStyle Studios brand will guarantee moderator, respondent and client comfort, outstanding service and a worry/hassle free facility exceeding your expectations every, single, time.
Give us a shout. Call us for your next facility booking and recruitment need 866.685.2239.
eStyle Group
Winnipeg, AB T2S 1X6
StyleCast is the newest addition to the eStyle Group. In an economic unknown where cost cutting and efficiencies are a necessity of survival, StyleCast provides static and portable web streaming solutions for the market research industry.
Not only is StyleCast available at eStyle Studios, but our technician is able to broadcast remotely from other facilities and even from remote locations for ethnographies, intercepts and physician interviews with compromising broadcast quality.
In 2013, eStyle will be opening up StyleCast for licensing to other facilities across the country.
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It is a commonly known fact that recruiting focus groups in Winnipeg is a challenge. There are other markets like this as well! Every single agency, no matter how incredible they claim to be will eventually hit the same roadblock: frequent fliers, coached respondents, and no shows. Unfortunately, there are only so many numbers that can be dialed and so many referrals that we can ask for.
The answer to this problem is two fold: one is in a disgusting amount of quality assurance, and the other is in developing organically charged communities.
In addition to our team of quality assurance analysts (QA's) we have heavily invested in the development and rollout of our own proprietary portal Canada Survey.
We believe that every time a respondent is screened, they should be compensated. Every-time they show up on time for a group, they should be rewarded. As such, we've developed a currency based portal that encourages respondents to refer friends using our automated tools, keep their information up to date themselves, and involve themselves in the community through interaction with us as well as other respondents. The viral tools, social media integration and organic referral functions have grown our community to over 125,000 active panelists with over 250 signups daily.
This is the way of 2.0 Focus Group Recruiting. Why choose us for your national campaign?
1. We have the Canada Survey Community. By the end of 2013 it will be the largest research community in Canada (we mean it).
2. We have a SWAT team of QA's that will stop at nothing to deliver squeeky clean, creative, intelligent respondents for you.
3. Our results are consistent across Canada.
4. We don't charge you BS administration fees for booking facilities, making catering arrangements, etc.
5. Our network of facilities and suppliers are just as awesome as we are! They will stop at nothing to deliver.
You're one call away from your best Focus Group Recruiting, and Facility experience. 866.685.2239.
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defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 31,[title] => Online Surveys,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 8,[content] =>Coming Soon.....
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It is a commonly known fact that recruiting focus groups in Winnipeg is a challenge. There are other markets like this as well! Every single agency, no matter how incredible we claim to be will eventually hit the same roadblock: frequent fliers, coached respondents and no shows. Unfortunately, there are only so many numbers that can be dialed and so many referrals that we can ask for.
The answer to this problem is two fold; one is in a disgusting amount of quality assurance and the other is in developing organically charged communities.
In addition to our team of quality assurance analysts (QA's) we have heavily invested in the development and rollout of our own proprietary portal Canada Survey.
We believe that every time a respondent is screened, they should be compensated. Every-time they show up on time for a group, they should be rewarded. As such, we've developed a currency based portal that encourages respondents to refer friends using our automated tools, keep their information up to date themselves and involve themselves in the community through interaction with us as well as other respondents. The viral tools, social media integration and organic referral functions have grown our community to over 125,000 active panelists with over 250 signups daily.
This is the way of 2.0 Focus Group Recruiting. Why choose us for your national campaign?
1. We have the Canada Survey Community. By the end of 2012 it will be the largest research community in Canada (we mean it)
2. We have a SWAT team of QA's that will stop at nothing to deliver squeeky clean, creative, intelligent respondents for you.
3. Our results are consistent across Canada.
4. We don't charge BS administration fees for booking facilities, making catering arrangements, etc.
5. Our network of facilities and suppliers are just as awesome as we are! They will stop at nothing to deliver.
You're one call away from your best Focus Group Recruiting experience. 403-984-3860 x200
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numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 17,[title] => eStyle Respondent Experience,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 16,[content] =>How was your experience? We are striving to continuously get better and want to know how dealing with eStyle has been for you. Give us the good, the bad and the ugly. We can't get better if we don't know what we did wrong. Feel free to use this forum as often as you'd like to express your thoughts, ask questions and discuss with fellow community members and your eStyle team!
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1-866-685-2239 ext. 201 or email us at
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For Apple Mac OS:
Thanks for completing the survey. Please click Enter Discount Code, after selecting quantity of tickets and type SLIMCORE to receive tickets to the Wellness Revolution event at no charge.
Thank you for your interest in supporting our environmental research efforts. We conduct 50-100 focus groups every year in all cities across Canada and are always looking for new participants to share their experiences with and about a constantly evolving environmental industry in Canada. As thank you for your participation, you will receive $75 -$150 for attending our research study. Please fill out the below questionnaire and one of our research associates will follow up when we have a study available in your area!
Please contact us directly at 1-866-685-2239 or if you have any questions
Payment, Incentives, Timelines and Liability
By executing the button executor and organization is jointly liable for the full invoice amount. Terms: 50% Advance, 50% Net 30 on all projects under $10,000. 50% Advance, 25% on Completion Date, 25% Net 30 for projects exceeding $10,000.
All credit card payments are subject to a 3% credit card fee.
Facility Bookings
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement
E-Style Marketing Services Inc. ("ESTYLE") and the approving Client referenced in the estimate document ("CLIENT") agree that PIPEDA’s Privacy Principles are fully enforced in Canada and that the current confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement aims at ensuring all the affairs handled by E-Style Marketing Services Inc. and the approving client will be done in a lawful and fully compliant way.
Principle 1 — Accountability
An organization is responsible for personal information under its control and shall designate an individual or individuals who are accountable for the organization’s compliance with the following principles.
Principle 2 — Identifying Purposes
The purposes for which personal information is collected shall be identified by the organization at or before the time the information is collected.
Principle 3 — Consent
The knowledge and consent of the individual are required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, except where inappropriate.
Principle 4 — Limiting Collection
The collection of personal information shall be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified by the organization. Information shall be collected by fair and lawful means.
Principle 5 — Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. Personal information shall be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
Principle 6 — Accuracy
Personal information shall be as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.
Principle 7 — Safeguards
Personal information shall be protected by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.
Principle 8 — Openness
An organization shall make readily available to individuals specific information about its policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.
Principle 9 — Individual Access
Upon request, an individual shall be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of his or her personal information and shall be given access to that information. An individual shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.
Principle 10 — Challenging Compliance
An individual shall be able to address a challenge concerning compliance with the above principles to the designated individual or individuals accountable for the organization’s compliance. These principles are usually referred to as “fair information principles”. They are included in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private-sector privacy law.
Definition of personally identifiable information (PII): Throughout this agreement, the term PII will be used to represent any personally identifiable information such as but not limited to: names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, pictures and videos of respondents involved in the process of market research as well as expressed opinions and/or any other non-typically personally identifiable information if these can allow the identification of an individual respondent.
E-Style Marketing Services Inc. and the Client agree that:
1.1 E-Style Marketing Services Inc will be inviting its respondents to participate in a research project on behalf of the Client on a one time basis for the purpose of market research.
1.2 In order to appropriately conduct the said market research, PII from E-Style’s respondents will be collected and shared with the Client.
1.3 All PII that will be shared during this study by E-Style and/or its respondents with the Client will only be used within the boundaries delimited by the current agreement.
1.4 All PII must be collected, handled, managed and protected in respect of all the current Canadian Laws, the Intelligence Association’s (MRIA) rules and regulatios as well as industry best practices.
1.5 It is their shared responsibility to ensure the purpose for which the PII is being collected is appropriately described so that the respondents can reasonably understand how E-Style and the Client will make use and limit use of the said PII. E-Style and the client also agree that written consent for such purpose and usage must be obtained from the respondents before or at time of data collection.
1.6 Respondents will be informed of the full extent of usage of their PII when signing the document “Sign Sheet.” E-Style and the Client understand that it is their duty to ensure the engagements taken with the respondents are upheld by all organizations and individuals who will come into contact with the said PII.
1.7 It is their shared responsibility to ensure the respondents’ PII are kept confidential from the research buyer or any third party supplier unless such disclosure was appropriately described so that the respondents canr reasonably understand how E-Style and the Client will disclose the said PII. E-Style and the Client also agree that written consent for such disclosure must be obtained from the respondents before or at time of data collection.
1.8 PII will only be kept on record for as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes and that once these purposes have been fulfilled, all PII provided by E-Style and/or its respondents to the Client, its research buyers and third party suppliers. The Client must inform E-Style in writing that this task was executed.
1.9 The protection of these PII can only be ensured and enforced through formal written contractual agreements with research buyers and third party suppliers. Hence, it is the responsibility of the Client to ensure such agreements are signed and enforced between the client, the research buyers and the third party suppliers before any information is gathered from E-Style’s respondents and shared with the Client.
1.10 If for any reason a breach of contract occurs, the Client will remove all PII from its database, the research buyer’s database, any third party supplier’s database or from any other database that may have come into contact with PII provided by E-Style and/or its respondents through the realization of this study.
1.11 E-Style and the Client agree that they may come in contact with confidential information related to all or any aspects of E-Style and/or the Client, and that disclosing that information to competitors and/or clients of E-Style and/or the Client might be harmful to either or both parties.
1.12 Both parties agree that breaching this agreement cannot be properly compensated by money and therefore will result in legal actions.
1.13 Both parties agree that this is a mandatory contract that will remain in effect until its cancellation through mutual agreement.
By clicking on the "approve" button on the estimate which provided the link to this agreement, you agree and understand that this is considered to be the equivelant of physically endorsing this agreement and accept its full terms as specified in the estimate, terms and conditions and this document.
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Evening Rental (5PM-10:30PM) | 675.00 | |
Full Day Rental (8AM - 10:30PM) | 1300.00 | |
Daytime Rental (8AM-4:30PM) | 1100.00 | |
Morning Rental (8AM-12PM) | 600.00 | |
Audio, Visual, Tech | ||
Web Streaming (StyleCast, proprietary web streaming solution) | 375.00 / Hour | |
Black and White Printing | 0.40 / Page | |
Laptop Computer | 125.00 / Day | |
Projector and Screen | 150.00 / Day | |
Smartboard | 300.00 / Day | |
DVD Recording | 25.00 / Group or IDI | |
MP3 Conversion | 25.00 / Group or IDI | |
Catering | ||
Respondent Catering* | 5.99 | |
Client Catering (not including beverages, or snacks) | 30-50PP | |
Viewing Room Self Serve (Soft drinks and Snacks) | 2.00 | |
Supplementary Staff Service | ||
Notetaker | 45 / Hour | |
Second Host | 35 / Hour | |
Shopping/Supplies/Special Requests | 35 / Hour | |
Incentive Handing | 100 | |
Group Room Setup and Pre test | 35 / Hour | |
Rescreening | 50 / Group |
Dear *|FNAME|*
Back in June you attended a Great Western beer focus group. Great Western Brewery took your words to heart and designed two all new packages for their Great Western product. Great Western would like your help one more time!
We would like to invite you to participate in a short online survey regarding their new packaging. As your feedback is very important to Great Western, we would like to offer you a free case of beer in return for your feedback.
Between now and January 2, 2014, you will be able to click on the link below to fill out the short online survey. The survey has 5 or so questions and will take approximately 2-5 minutes to complete.
The responses you provide will only be used by the Great Western Brewing Company to improve its products and packaging. Your information will not be provided to any other party not associated with the Great Western Brewing Company.
To access the survey, simply click on the link below. If your email does not support hotlinks, cut and paste the link into your browser.
Please DO NOT pass on to your friends as this particular survey is exclusive to those who participated in the focus group discussions held in the spring/summer.
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MPAA.Winnipeg.Group1.Tech Savvy.6PM
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For more information about any of our services at eStyle, contact us on 1-866-685-2239 x 200 or email
Everytime we introduce our shop to a prospective client, the first question we're asked is why eStyle? So we built you a little infograph to tell you! Please click below, pass it on and contact us anytime to book the facility, recruit or just to chat!
As always, we greatly apprecate your support and ongoing feedback. Thanks for everything.
,[description] => ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => ,[htmlTitle] => ,[sortOrder] => 31,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => ,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[15] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => root,[children] => Array (),[url] => Welcome,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 46,[title] => Welcome,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 0,[content] =>In 2004, we set out to to change how Focus Group Recruiting in Winnipeg was fielded. We wanted to deliver higher caliber respondents, offer a great depth of transparency and execute seamlessly. In 2005, we added a state of the art Focus Group Facility to our suite of services, striving once again for ULTIMATE user experience. Thanks to an incredible team, our client's confidence and our unwillingness to settle, we continue to deliver on our promise to both clients and our panelists.
In 2011, we've achieved game changing milestones. Powered by our sister company StyleLabs, we've built a new online community,, with full social media integration, a multi currency rewards platform and best practices from online giants Facebook and Groupon to maximize enrolment and hedge attrition.
In 2013, we opened the Studios Ultra Lounge - our third Focus Group Facility Initiative in Winnipeg. We used all the technology, infrastructure and best practices from eStyle Studios and Studios 2 and have built (in our opinion) one of the best facilities in Western Canada!
Whether you're looking to recruit or host a group in Winnipeg or across Canada, consider eStyle as your only solution for consistent, best in class fieldwork, logistics and facilitation. Call us anytime at 403-685- We look forward to working with you!
Salina Kassamali – Director
eStyle Group
p.s. We strictly adhere to the standards of the organizations referenced below. Things got busy and we fell a bit behind on renewing a couple of the memberships. We're on it!
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The concept of eStyle started at a Starbucks on 17th Ave Winnipeg 8 years ago. We were a group of University students, studying for final exams and enjoying the antics that the red mile offers! A professional looking lady approached us and began explaining how paid focus groups worked. After indicating that we were interested (starving students, $75 dollars to give our opinion... enough said) she asked if we were smokers. When we indicated we were not, she asked if we would be for 75 bucks. Bad form!
What we realized that day was that there was a void that needed to be filled in Winnipeg's fieldwork realm. That night, one of our Computer Science buddies built us a basic website with a form that respondents could fill out and a logo/name that communicated our mandate: Research with Flair!
As University students, we had access to the entire campus. After passing out some flyers, advertising in the Gauntlet and creating some hype, we had accumulated the names of 3000 students, their parents, teachers, friends and relatives, all who had opted in to participate in focus groups.
Soon after, an opportunity presented itself involving the acquisition of a major Winnipeg player's qualitative division. The rest is history.
Over the next seven years, we've built three outstanding facilities in Winnipeg, a nation-wide panel using a community based tool with FULL social media integration (, launched a pharmaceutical division, opened offices in Winnipeg and continue to deliver cutting edge recruitment at budget friendly rates.
Over the next five years, our goal is to become the DeFacto gateway to fieldwork across Canada. Although our core operation is based in the west, our infrastructure, relationships, technology and in depth knowledge, allow for us to provide a nation-wide service in line with any large scale qualitative field house in Canada.
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1. Somebody called to invite you to participate in a Focus Group for money? YEAH RIGHT! Too good to be true!!
2. You're a client we're trying to convince to use us for National Recruiting. YEAH RIGHT! Only companies in Winnipeg are big enough to take something like that on!!
We've put this short FAQ together to re-assure everyone that 1. IT'S for real, and 2. WE'RE for real!
Is this a SCAM? You want to pay ME for my opinion?
No, this is NOT a SCAM. Market research (more specifically focus groups) are used all the time to get people's opinions on products, services, advertising, policies, etc. before organizations and even the Government spends large marketing dollars on a huge release! The focus group lets them get a perspective on how people respond to a product, concept or ad in a test environment so they know what to expect when they go public with it.
How did you get my number?
There are 3 ways that we recruit people to our focus groups.
One. Through Canada Survey. 75 percent of our respondents in each group come from our online portal we use to invite and reward people for joining our research community. Here, you get points for being screened, showing up on time, or doing one of our syndicated surveys. These points (StyleBucks) can be redeemed for movie tickets, apple dollars or Starbucks goodies!! When something terrible happens in the world, we give respondents the opportunity to donate their points to a charity. This community powered by Samurai Technology was developed by the individual who originally founded eStyle 8 years ago. Check them out by clicking here. They also build the coolest websites, logos, ads, and fan pages!!
Two. Through Random Calling. Literally, we open up the phone book and call the first person our fingers stop at. We try to ensure that at least 25 percent of every project is recruited this way to keep the perspective fresh. We want the opinions in the group to be representative and robust!
Three. One of your friends, family or colleagues reccomended you. They have likely participated in one of our groups and thought you'd be a good fit.
What happens after you recruit me? Why did you call again?
Sorry about that. We know it can be really annoying. Unfortunately we have to do it. See, each of you represent a very specific part of the population. If you forget, or decide not to show up, the research can get messed up. So, here's what you can expect from us after you've been recruited:
Right away, we'll send you a confirmation letter.
24-48 hours after you've been recruited, our supervisor will call to verify your answers. If there is a misunderstanding and you actually don't qualify, it'll be embarrassing for everyone to turn you away when you come here. It's also your opportunity to ask any questions, get directions or re-request your confirmation letter if you've lost it or it got stuck in SPAM.
On the day of, we'll send you a courtesy text message. If you reply, we'll see you at the group! If you don't, someone will give you a reminder call just to make sure you're ok, and to answer any pending questions you have.
If you don't want to be called, you're more than welcome to call us back after you've been recruited and just respond to the text when you get it. We want the experience to be great for you and also give our clients the feedback they need. The better the group goes, the better the products that will be available to you in the market. As cheesy as it sounds, this really does give you the ability to have your opinions heard!
Do I need to give you my credit card information?
Ha! This is Market Research not Telemarketing. The idea is that we pay you, not the other way around! The extent of any financial information we ask you for is the range that your household income falls into. The reason we do this is because we want to ensure that people from all walks of life are represented in the group.
You're just a tiny little company from Alberta. How can I trust you with my national campaign?
Hey, we've definitely learned a lot from our predecessors. In fact, we've taken the best practices from everywhere and built a sound business model. We'll tell you our secret (shhhh.... don't tell anyone):
First, we took every penny we had and built a world class qual. panel using Samurai. Canada Survey is by far the best respondent acquisition and engagement panel anywhere: fully automated word of mouth and super-sized with social media integration. Period. And we have it.
Then, we hired a field guru that has mastered the craft of logistics and field and held him hostage until he helped us build the perfect model for writing screeners, client updates, recruiting and logistical management (incentives, catering, facility bookings, ACROSS CANADA.)
Finally, we put it all together in a non-convoluted, cost effective offering that would deliver ultimate value and wicked results for our clients (and their clients).
Most companies outsource to home recruiters or organizations like eStyle. Why are you any different?
It's because we don't outsource. Every-time we've tried, we've gotten burned or have had to replace groups ourselves at the last minute (our site optimizes really well, you're lucky we're not mentioning names.) So, we built a kick a%^ panel and hired some super savvy field staff with LOTS of life exposure to engage! Then we built alliances with facilities we think are just as cool as we are to keep the moderating and client experience the same.
Does Leger Marketing own eStyle?
NO. Leger Marketing does NOT own eStyle. Last year, our Studios 1 lease was about to expire and the opportunity came up for both firms to merge BOARDROOMS to deliver a better client experience. By consolidating facility business we were able to offer clients a larger space and more options. PLUS our landlord was absolutely gouging us which resulted in higher costs to you, our clients. SO, we packed up our super high end boardroom furniture and our cutting edge technology and we moved to the old Claros/Leger spot where we replicated the eStyle Studios (with some renos) feel in a logistically better space. Without argument, the best facility in Western Canada. Certified by over 50 moderators and hundreds of viewers! So, although Leger is a great recruiting client and our facility business has merged into the "Studios" brand, we are two independent organizations with autonomous management and leadership.
,[description] => Answering questions people ask us all the time! ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => Winnipeg focus groups,canada focus groups,canada survey,focus group facility,focus group recruiting,focus group facilities,,[htmlTitle] => Just to clarify...,[sortOrder] => 15,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => yes,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[2] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => About Us,[children] => Array (),[url] => Our Timeline,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 49,[title] => Our Timeline,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 62,[content] =>2003 - At the age of 23, fresh out of school, Almin Kassamali negotiates an acquisition deal with Connie Ruben, President of Call US Info. eStyle acquired Call Us Info's qualitative department including infrastructure, focus group facility, panel and key personel.
2004 - Almin presented Strategic Realty Management with a roadmap to his Studios concept - A new kind of Focus Group Facility in Winnipeg, with the best of everything! Restaurant calibre hosting, Digital Focus Group recruiting, Research friendly Boardroom architecture and SMART technology.
2005 - eStyle Studios open for business!
2009 - Of 6 Facilities that were open in 2005, on 2 remained, eStyle and QC.
2010 - eStyle completes its 5 year milestone with Strategic Realty Management and is offered the opportuntity to revamp/revive the former Claros/Leger Marketing space as Managing Partner of joint venture.
2010 - eStyle welcomes Salina Kassamali as Managing Director.
2013 - eStyle completes its 3 year agreement with Leger Marketing and launches STUDIOS ULTRA LOUNGE in Mission Winnipeg at 2500 4th Street SW.
The STUDIOS ULTRA LOUNGE is a aggregation of best practices and wish lists we have compiled from our experience building two other facilities. This is our best work yet and we're excited to host you! Give us a call. We'd love to hear from you 403-685-2239.
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Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1,[Subject] => Someone joined your newsletter),[testimonials] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => testimonials,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[contact_form] => CallToAction Object ([id] => contact_form,[ CallToAction formId] => contact_form_form,[ CallToAction formMessage] => Contact,[ CallToAction fields] => Array (),[ CallToAction configArrayKey] => contact_form,[ CallToAction emailName] => Almin,[ CallToAction emailSubject] => ,[ CallToAction error] => There was an error sending your email.,[ CallToAction success] => The email was sent successfully,[ CallToAction body] => The following showing booking has been requested ,[facebookAppId] => ,[ CallToAction facebookAppSecret] => ,[ * config] => /var/www/vhosts/,[absUrl] =>,[urlAbsUrl] =>,[resourceAbsUrl] =>,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[baseDir] => /var/www/vhosts/,[ * dbName] => winnipegfocus,[ * host] => localhost,[ * user] => winnipegfocus,[ * pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[ * development] => ,[local] => ,[ * mysql] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[ Module jQueryUi] => cupertino,[page] => ,[title] => Winnipeg Focus Groups and Market Research,[description] => eStyle is the leader for focus groups, market research, recruiting and focus group facilities in Winnipeg and across Canada,[info404] => You've come to a page that doesn't exist. Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1,[Subject] => Somone wants to talk to you from your website),[slides] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => slides,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[globalKeywords] => GlobalKeywords Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[redirect] => RedirectModule Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[globalDbSearch] => GlobalDbSearch Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*))) called at [/var/www/samurai/working/classes/templates/estyle/classes/actions/pages/PageBody.php:22] #3 samurai\view\PageBody->content(Samurai Object ([ Samurai args] => Array ([0] => Services,[1] => 8),[ Samurai samuraiModules] => Array ([page_header] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => page_header)),[home_banner] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => home_banner)),[why_choose_us] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => why_choose_us)),[services] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => services)),[blog] => Array ([class] => BlogModule,[photoWidth] => 773,[photoHeight] => 539),[footer_logo] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => footer_logo)),[about_page] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => about_page)),[teammates] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => teammates)),[user] => Array ([class] => SamuraiUser,[photoWidth] => 400,[photoHeight] => 400),[menu] => Array ([class] => Menu),[gallery] => Array ([class] => PhotoModule),[pageSeo] => Array ([class] => PageSeo),[tags] => Array ([class] => Tags),[newsLetter] => Array ([class] => CallToAction,[args] => Array ([0] => newsLetter,[1] => newsLetter)),[testimonials] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => testimonials)),[contact_form] => Array ([class] => CallToAction,[args] => Array ([0] => contact_form,[1] => contact_form)),[slides] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => slides),[hasPhotos] => 1,[photoWidth] => 800,[photoHeight] => 354),[globalKeywords] => Array ([class] => GlobalKeywords),[redirect] => Array ([class] => RedirectModule),[globalDbSearch] => Array ([class] => GlobalDbSearch)),[ Samurai fbAppId] => 134371396632369,[ Samurai fbSecret] => yyy,[ Samurai absUrl] =>,[ Samurai urlAbsUrl] =>,[ Samurai resourceAbsUrl] =>,[ Samurai config] => SamuraiConfiguration Object ([ SamuraiConfiguration triggers] => Array (),[ SamuraiConfiguration triggerActions] => Array (),[ SamuraiConfiguration pageNotFoundAction] => ,[ SamuraiConfiguration comingSoon] => ,[ SamuraiConfiguration comingSoonPage] => error/comingSoon/comingSoon.php,[ SamuraiConfiguration useFrames] => ,[ SamuraiConfiguration samuraiClass] => Samurai,[ SamuraiConfiguration socialFeeds] => Array ([feedClass] => samurai/modules/SocialFeeds,[feeds] => Array ([twitterFeed] => Array ([consumerKey] => V5Jwa1ESfDFDYTDH3SZCXEFTc,[consumerSecret] => GDny2Urp9LipiaP7OQGIRDxAPWSPKV9DkIXKSR9s7lGjvQ8hus,[accessToken] => 38303643-vKMQXT4Wh2RcYwFuHnM4cP8E5BGekFzBcYFtbKWEn,[accessSecret] => tOitYyWbvvoUWU6u0nAwTEIO0FC5zJR2rzX7DvJY5lral,[id] => 1,[displayName] => Twitter,[className] => samurai/social/TwitterFeed2),[instagramFeed] => Array ([client_id] => 1228e57f177f451aa7d28602d0f63c1d,[secret] => a821be52bf40473fb80f8b174e3904a4,[access_token] => ,[redirect] => galleries,[id] => 2,[displayName] => Instagram,[className] => samurai/social/InstagramFeed2))),[ SamuraiConfiguration mobileMap] => Array (),[env] => Samurai,[development] => ,[db] => winnipegfocus,[user] => winnipegfocus,[location] => Winnipeg,[serverName] =>,[absUrl] =>,[host] => localhost,[pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[securitystring] => 123gYx3sdfaasdfasdfasdffdsa321,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[disqusAccount] => estyle,[jQueryUi] => cupertino,[facebookAppId] => 134371396632369,[googleAnalytics] => UA-58633089-6,[recaptchaSiteKey] => 6LdoSOAUAAAAAGlNS-q-P--yhy_azKLTwvjO1que,[recaptchaSecretKey] => 6LdoSOAUAAAAAEX4yuixeIvS1dXc06WAMhCJfLee,[site_name] => iamsamurai,[emailName] => Almin,[blogsPerPage] => 4,[activeModules] => Array ([page_header] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => page_header)),[home_banner] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => home_banner)),[why_choose_us] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => why_choose_us)),[services] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => services)),[blog] => Array ([class] => BlogModule,[photoWidth] => 773,[photoHeight] => 539),[footer_logo] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => footer_logo)),[about_page] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => about_page)),[teammates] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => teammates)),[user] => Array ([class] => SamuraiUser,[photoWidth] => 400,[photoHeight] => 400),[menu] => Array ([class] => Menu),[gallery] => Array ([class] => PhotoModule),[pageSeo] => Array ([class] => PageSeo),[tags] => Array ([class] => Tags),[newsLetter] => Array ([class] => CallToAction,[args] => Array ([0] => newsLetter,[1] => newsLetter)),[testimonials] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => testimonials)),[contact_form] => Array ([class] => CallToAction,[args] => Array ([0] => contact_form,[1] => contact_form)),[slides] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => slides),[hasPhotos] => 1,[photoWidth] => 800,[photoHeight] => 354)),[featureModules] => Array ([page_header] => Array ([db] => page_header,[assetName] => Page Header,[pluralName] => Page Header,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 290,[photoHeight] => 77,[attributes] => Array ([company_name] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Company Name),[phone] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Phone Number),[email] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Email Address),[twitter] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Twitter Link),[facebook] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Facebook Link),[linkedin] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => LinkedIn Link),[youtube] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Youtube Link),[instagram] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Instagram Link),[pinterest] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Pinterest Link),[street_address] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Street Address),[city] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => City),[province] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Province),[postal_code] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Postal Code))),[slides] => Array ([db] => slides,[assetName] => Home Banner Slide,[pluralName] => Home Banner Slide,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 900,[photoHeight] => 398,[attributes] => Array ([top_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Heading),[middle_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Sub Heading),[button_1_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 1 Label),[button_1_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 1 URL),[button_1_icon] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 1 Icon),[button_2_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 2 Label),[button_2_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 2 URL),[button_2_icon] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 2 Icon),[button_3_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 3 Label),[button_3_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 3 URL),[button_3_icon] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 3 Icon))),[services] => Array ([db] => services,[assetName] => Services,[pluralName] => Services,[link] => services,[hasPhotos] => 1,[hasEditor] => 1,[photoWidth] => 800,[photoHeight] => 332),[why_choose_us] => Array ([db] => why_choose_us,[assetName] => Why Choose Us,[pluralName] => Why Choose Us,[link] => ,[hasPhotos] => 1,[hasEditor] => 1,[photoWidth] => 500,[photoHeight] => 500,[attributes] => Array ([subtitle] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Subtitle),[button_label] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button Label),[button_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button Link))),[testimonials] => Array ([db] => testimonials,[assetName] => Testimonials,[pluralName] => Testimonials,[link] => ,[hasPhotos] => ,[attributes] => Array ([company_name] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Company Name),[company_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Company URL),[role] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Role/Relationship))),[footer_logo] => Array ([db] => footer_logo,[assetName] => Footer Logo,[pluralName] => Footer Logo,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 230,[photoHeight] => 75,[attributes] => Array ([company_name] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Company Name))),[about_page] => Array ([db] => about_page,[assetName] => About Page,[pluralName] => About Page,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 800,[photoHeight] => 400,[attributes] => Array ([subtitle] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Subtitle),[body_title] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Body Title))),[teammates] => Array ([db] => teammates,[assetName] => Teammates,[pluralName] => Teammates,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 360,[photoHeight] => 360,[attributes] => Array ([job_title] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Job Title),[short_caption] => Array ([type] => multi,[label] => Caption),[long_bio] => Array ([type] => multi,[label] => Bio),[twitter] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Twitter),[facebook] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => facebook),[email] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Email),[phone] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Phone)))),[callToActionData] => Array ([contact_form] => Array ([label] => Contact,[dialogs] => Array ([formMessage] => Contact,[email] =>,[emailName] => Almin,[emailSubject] => Somone wants to talk to you from your website,[error] => There was an error sending your email.,[success] => The email was sent successfully,[body] => The following showing booking has been requested ),[fields] => Array ([id] => ID,[name] => Name,[email] => Email,[phone] => Phone #,[subject] => Subject,[message] => Message,[ip_address] => IP Address)),[newsLetter] => Array ([label] => Newsletter,[dialogs] => Array ([formMessage] => Join Our Newsletter,[email] =>,[emailName] => Almin,[emailSubject] => Someone joined your newsletter,[error] => There was an error sending your email.,[success] => The email was sent successfully,[body] => The following contact information was sent to you: ),[0] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Name,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => name,[restrictions] => required),[1] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Email,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => email,[restrictions] => required email),[2] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Submit Message,[fieldType] => submit,[fieldName] => submit)),[optin] => Array ([label] => Opt-In,[dialogs] => Array ([formMessage] => What is this?,[email] =>,[emailName] => Almin,[emailSubject] => Someone Opted in,[error] => There was an error sending your email.,[success] => The email was sent successfully,[body] => The following opt-in information was sent to you: ),[0] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Name,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => name,[restrictions] => none),[1] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Email,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => email,[restrictions] => none),[2] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Phone,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => phone,[restrictions] => none),[3] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Comment,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => comment,[restrictions] => none))),[blogModules] => Array ([ctaOpen] => contactTab,[ctaAlt] => Choose Stylelabs For Your Campaign,[showBlogImage] => ,[showFeaturedBlogImage] => ,[optPicture] => 1,[optVideoLink] => 1),[menuConfig] => Array ([locked] => Array ([0] => What-We-Do,[1] => About-Us,[2] => About-You,[3] => Samurai)),[database] => winnipegfocus),[ Samurai homepage] => index,[ Samurai isMobile] => ,[ Samurai isTablet] => ,[ Samurai module] => pages,[ Samurai version] => ,[ Samurai user] => SamuraiUser Object ([ * ssoKey] => 37Iq22thyeBMmqsE6xykZj65AefPgzivHjY5ZyD4norCY9zIis083mYp6dXlggEjNEyOAb2sWxfhLTEI5qvAlveaHDEzDqZPOwHG,[ * config] => /var/www/vhosts/,[absUrl] =>,[urlAbsUrl] =>,[resourceAbsUrl] =>,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[baseDir] => /var/www/vhosts/,[ * dbName] => winnipegfocus,[ * host] => localhost,[ * user] => winnipegfocus,[ * pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[ * development] => ,[local] => ,[ * mysql] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[ Module jQueryUi] => cupertino,[page] => ,[title] => Winnipeg Focus Groups and Market Research,[description] => eStyle is the leader for focus groups, market research, recruiting and focus group facilities in Winnipeg and across Canada,[info404] => You've come to a page that doesn't exist. Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1),[ Samurai parentUrl] =>,[ Samurai loginPage] => index,[ Samurai adminLoginPage] => index,[page_header] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => page_header,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[home_banner] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => home_banner,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[why_choose_us] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => why_choose_us,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[services] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => services,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[blog] => BlogModule Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[footer_logo] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => footer_logo,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[about_page] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => about_page,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[teammates] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => teammates,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[menu] => Menu Object ([ * pageHandler] => pages,[menuArray] => Array ([0] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => root,[children] => Array ([0] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => Upcoming Studies,[children] => Array (),[url] => Beer Tasting,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 51,[title] => Beer Tasting,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 45,[content] =>Thanks for agreeing to sign up. For this study, we will be paying $150 and offering free cigarettes to qualified participants for their participation. Please click on the button below, fill out our three minute survey and submit your responses. Remember to share this page with your friends AND we'll:
1. Enter your name into a ballot to win an iPad (1 for every friend you refer)
2. Send you a Starbucks or Tim Horton's coffee card (1 for every qualified referral that completes the study)
Canada's new Anti-Spam Legislation comes into effect this Tuesday, July 1. The legislation will help prevent unwanted spam from finding it's way to your mailbox.
We value your opinion, but in order to keep you notified of upcoming PAID focus groups and surveys, we need your consent! Please click on the button below to provide us with your consent, and be redirected to our online research community!
,[description] => ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => ,[htmlTitle] => ,[sortOrder] => 4,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => ,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[2] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => root,[children] => Array ([0] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => Services,[children] => Array (),[url] => Our Facilities,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 9,[title] => Our Facilities,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 8,[content] =>According to a recent survey we conducted with Moderators, seventy percent of the facilities in Canada require a MAJOR overhaul. They are dated, have paint and furniture from the 80's and overall are a very "vanilla" environment. They are functional, but do NOTHING for user experience.
When we built our facilities, we wanted to eliminate the stoic stigma associated with the focus group environment. Our goal was to create a very social, creative and technologically advanced space that would deliver seamless usability, and an atmosphere respondents and clients would want to come back to time and time again.
With Studios we have aggregated best practices from focus group facilities across North America and have customized each component to yield the aforementioned result. This includes:
- Heated underground parking, and plenty of street parking.
- Childcare facility for respondent and or client use.
- Main Floor, wheelchair accessibility.
- Hand picked furniture.
- High back, executive boardroom chairs.
- Custom built, modular boardroom table.
- Interactive respondent area with two separate entry/exit areas complete with bar tables, armchairs, and a 40 inch LCD TV.
- Closed circuit and mirror viewing for clients.
- Multiview respondent viewing capabilities
- Executive Chef catering.
- PC and Mac systems with TV and HDMI connecting capabilities and viewing.
- Wired/Wireless Internet.
- Printing in monochrome and colour options.
- Restaurant trained hosts and administrative staff.
- High Definition Web Streaming and viewer portal.
- Onsite and Remote Usability Labs
and much, much more!
Choosing The eStyle Studios brand will guarantee moderator, respondent and client comfort, outstanding service and a worry/hassle free facility exceeding your expectations every, single, time.
Give us a shout. Call us for your next facility booking and recruitment need 866.685.2239.
eStyle Group
Winnipeg, AB T2S 1X6
StyleCast is the newest addition to the eStyle Group. In an economic unknown where cost cutting and efficiencies are a necessity of survival, StyleCast provides static and portable web streaming solutions for the market research industry.
Not only is StyleCast available at eStyle Studios, but our technician is able to broadcast remotely from other facilities and even from remote locations for ethnographies, intercepts and physician interviews with compromising broadcast quality.
In 2013, eStyle will be opening up StyleCast for licensing to other facilities across the country.
,[description] => ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => ,[htmlTitle] => ,[sortOrder] => 5,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => yes,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[2] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => Services,[children] => Array (),[url] => Focus Group Recruiting Canada ,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 12,[title] => Focus Group Recruiting Canada ,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 8,[content] =>Recruiting Focus Groups successfully requires a certain level of sophistication, investment in infrastructure and strong ethical standards. This is what you are delivered when hiring eStyle.
It is a commonly known fact that recruiting focus groups in Winnipeg is a challenge. There are other markets like this as well! Every single agency, no matter how incredible they claim to be will eventually hit the same roadblock: frequent fliers, coached respondents, and no shows. Unfortunately, there are only so many numbers that can be dialed and so many referrals that we can ask for.
The answer to this problem is two fold: one is in a disgusting amount of quality assurance, and the other is in developing organically charged communities.
In addition to our team of quality assurance analysts (QA's) we have heavily invested in the development and rollout of our own proprietary portal Canada Survey.
We believe that every time a respondent is screened, they should be compensated. Every-time they show up on time for a group, they should be rewarded. As such, we've developed a currency based portal that encourages respondents to refer friends using our automated tools, keep their information up to date themselves, and involve themselves in the community through interaction with us as well as other respondents. The viral tools, social media integration and organic referral functions have grown our community to over 125,000 active panelists with over 250 signups daily.
This is the way of 2.0 Focus Group Recruiting. Why choose us for your national campaign?
1. We have the Canada Survey Community. By the end of 2013 it will be the largest research community in Canada (we mean it).
2. We have a SWAT team of QA's that will stop at nothing to deliver squeeky clean, creative, intelligent respondents for you.
3. Our results are consistent across Canada.
4. We don't charge you BS administration fees for booking facilities, making catering arrangements, etc.
5. Our network of facilities and suppliers are just as awesome as we are! They will stop at nothing to deliver.
You're one call away from your best Focus Group Recruiting, and Facility experience. 866.685.2239.
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It is a commonly known fact that recruiting focus groups in Winnipeg is a challenge. There are other markets like this as well! Every single agency, no matter how incredible we claim to be will eventually hit the same roadblock: frequent fliers, coached respondents and no shows. Unfortunately, there are only so many numbers that can be dialed and so many referrals that we can ask for.
The answer to this problem is two fold; one is in a disgusting amount of quality assurance and the other is in developing organically charged communities.
In addition to our team of quality assurance analysts (QA's) we have heavily invested in the development and rollout of our own proprietary portal Canada Survey.
We believe that every time a respondent is screened, they should be compensated. Every-time they show up on time for a group, they should be rewarded. As such, we've developed a currency based portal that encourages respondents to refer friends using our automated tools, keep their information up to date themselves and involve themselves in the community through interaction with us as well as other respondents. The viral tools, social media integration and organic referral functions have grown our community to over 125,000 active panelists with over 250 signups daily.
This is the way of 2.0 Focus Group Recruiting. Why choose us for your national campaign?
1. We have the Canada Survey Community. By the end of 2012 it will be the largest research community in Canada (we mean it)
2. We have a SWAT team of QA's that will stop at nothing to deliver squeeky clean, creative, intelligent respondents for you.
3. Our results are consistent across Canada.
4. We don't charge BS administration fees for booking facilities, making catering arrangements, etc.
5. Our network of facilities and suppliers are just as awesome as we are! They will stop at nothing to deliver.
You're one call away from your best Focus Group Recruiting experience. 403-984-3860 x200
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numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 17,[title] => eStyle Respondent Experience,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 16,[content] =>How was your experience? We are striving to continuously get better and want to know how dealing with eStyle has been for you. Give us the good, the bad and the ugly. We can't get better if we don't know what we did wrong. Feel free to use this forum as often as you'd like to express your thoughts, ask questions and discuss with fellow community members and your eStyle team!
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1-866-685-2239 ext. 201 or email us at
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For Apple Mac OS:
Thanks for completing the survey. Please click Enter Discount Code, after selecting quantity of tickets and type SLIMCORE to receive tickets to the Wellness Revolution event at no charge.
Thank you for your interest in supporting our environmental research efforts. We conduct 50-100 focus groups every year in all cities across Canada and are always looking for new participants to share their experiences with and about a constantly evolving environmental industry in Canada. As thank you for your participation, you will receive $75 -$150 for attending our research study. Please fill out the below questionnaire and one of our research associates will follow up when we have a study available in your area!
Please contact us directly at 1-866-685-2239 or if you have any questions
Payment, Incentives, Timelines and Liability
By executing the button executor and organization is jointly liable for the full invoice amount. Terms: 50% Advance, 50% Net 30 on all projects under $10,000. 50% Advance, 25% on Completion Date, 25% Net 30 for projects exceeding $10,000.
All credit card payments are subject to a 3% credit card fee.
Facility Bookings
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement
E-Style Marketing Services Inc. ("ESTYLE") and the approving Client referenced in the estimate document ("CLIENT") agree that PIPEDA’s Privacy Principles are fully enforced in Canada and that the current confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement aims at ensuring all the affairs handled by E-Style Marketing Services Inc. and the approving client will be done in a lawful and fully compliant way.
Principle 1 — Accountability
An organization is responsible for personal information under its control and shall designate an individual or individuals who are accountable for the organization’s compliance with the following principles.
Principle 2 — Identifying Purposes
The purposes for which personal information is collected shall be identified by the organization at or before the time the information is collected.
Principle 3 — Consent
The knowledge and consent of the individual are required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, except where inappropriate.
Principle 4 — Limiting Collection
The collection of personal information shall be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified by the organization. Information shall be collected by fair and lawful means.
Principle 5 — Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. Personal information shall be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
Principle 6 — Accuracy
Personal information shall be as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.
Principle 7 — Safeguards
Personal information shall be protected by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.
Principle 8 — Openness
An organization shall make readily available to individuals specific information about its policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.
Principle 9 — Individual Access
Upon request, an individual shall be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of his or her personal information and shall be given access to that information. An individual shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.
Principle 10 — Challenging Compliance
An individual shall be able to address a challenge concerning compliance with the above principles to the designated individual or individuals accountable for the organization’s compliance. These principles are usually referred to as “fair information principles”. They are included in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private-sector privacy law.
Definition of personally identifiable information (PII): Throughout this agreement, the term PII will be used to represent any personally identifiable information such as but not limited to: names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, pictures and videos of respondents involved in the process of market research as well as expressed opinions and/or any other non-typically personally identifiable information if these can allow the identification of an individual respondent.
E-Style Marketing Services Inc. and the Client agree that:
1.1 E-Style Marketing Services Inc will be inviting its respondents to participate in a research project on behalf of the Client on a one time basis for the purpose of market research.
1.2 In order to appropriately conduct the said market research, PII from E-Style’s respondents will be collected and shared with the Client.
1.3 All PII that will be shared during this study by E-Style and/or its respondents with the Client will only be used within the boundaries delimited by the current agreement.
1.4 All PII must be collected, handled, managed and protected in respect of all the current Canadian Laws, the Intelligence Association’s (MRIA) rules and regulatios as well as industry best practices.
1.5 It is their shared responsibility to ensure the purpose for which the PII is being collected is appropriately described so that the respondents can reasonably understand how E-Style and the Client will make use and limit use of the said PII. E-Style and the client also agree that written consent for such purpose and usage must be obtained from the respondents before or at time of data collection.
1.6 Respondents will be informed of the full extent of usage of their PII when signing the document “Sign Sheet.” E-Style and the Client understand that it is their duty to ensure the engagements taken with the respondents are upheld by all organizations and individuals who will come into contact with the said PII.
1.7 It is their shared responsibility to ensure the respondents’ PII are kept confidential from the research buyer or any third party supplier unless such disclosure was appropriately described so that the respondents canr reasonably understand how E-Style and the Client will disclose the said PII. E-Style and the Client also agree that written consent for such disclosure must be obtained from the respondents before or at time of data collection.
1.8 PII will only be kept on record for as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes and that once these purposes have been fulfilled, all PII provided by E-Style and/or its respondents to the Client, its research buyers and third party suppliers. The Client must inform E-Style in writing that this task was executed.
1.9 The protection of these PII can only be ensured and enforced through formal written contractual agreements with research buyers and third party suppliers. Hence, it is the responsibility of the Client to ensure such agreements are signed and enforced between the client, the research buyers and the third party suppliers before any information is gathered from E-Style’s respondents and shared with the Client.
1.10 If for any reason a breach of contract occurs, the Client will remove all PII from its database, the research buyer’s database, any third party supplier’s database or from any other database that may have come into contact with PII provided by E-Style and/or its respondents through the realization of this study.
1.11 E-Style and the Client agree that they may come in contact with confidential information related to all or any aspects of E-Style and/or the Client, and that disclosing that information to competitors and/or clients of E-Style and/or the Client might be harmful to either or both parties.
1.12 Both parties agree that breaching this agreement cannot be properly compensated by money and therefore will result in legal actions.
1.13 Both parties agree that this is a mandatory contract that will remain in effect until its cancellation through mutual agreement.
By clicking on the "approve" button on the estimate which provided the link to this agreement, you agree and understand that this is considered to be the equivelant of physically endorsing this agreement and accept its full terms as specified in the estimate, terms and conditions and this document.
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Evening Rental (5PM-10:30PM) | 675.00 | |
Full Day Rental (8AM - 10:30PM) | 1300.00 | |
Daytime Rental (8AM-4:30PM) | 1100.00 | |
Morning Rental (8AM-12PM) | 600.00 | |
Audio, Visual, Tech | ||
Web Streaming (StyleCast, proprietary web streaming solution) | 375.00 / Hour | |
Black and White Printing | 0.40 / Page | |
Laptop Computer | 125.00 / Day | |
Projector and Screen | 150.00 / Day | |
Smartboard | 300.00 / Day | |
DVD Recording | 25.00 / Group or IDI | |
MP3 Conversion | 25.00 / Group or IDI | |
Catering | ||
Respondent Catering* | 5.99 | |
Client Catering (not including beverages, or snacks) | 30-50PP | |
Viewing Room Self Serve (Soft drinks and Snacks) | 2.00 | |
Supplementary Staff Service | ||
Notetaker | 45 / Hour | |
Second Host | 35 / Hour | |
Shopping/Supplies/Special Requests | 35 / Hour | |
Incentive Handing | 100 | |
Group Room Setup and Pre test | 35 / Hour | |
Rescreening | 50 / Group |
Dear *|FNAME|*
Back in June you attended a Great Western beer focus group. Great Western Brewery took your words to heart and designed two all new packages for their Great Western product. Great Western would like your help one more time!
We would like to invite you to participate in a short online survey regarding their new packaging. As your feedback is very important to Great Western, we would like to offer you a free case of beer in return for your feedback.
Between now and January 2, 2014, you will be able to click on the link below to fill out the short online survey. The survey has 5 or so questions and will take approximately 2-5 minutes to complete.
The responses you provide will only be used by the Great Western Brewing Company to improve its products and packaging. Your information will not be provided to any other party not associated with the Great Western Brewing Company.
To access the survey, simply click on the link below. If your email does not support hotlinks, cut and paste the link into your browser.
Please DO NOT pass on to your friends as this particular survey is exclusive to those who participated in the focus group discussions held in the spring/summer.
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MPAA.Winnipeg.Group1.Tech Savvy.6PM
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For more information about any of our services at eStyle, contact us on 1-866-685-2239 x 200 or email
Everytime we introduce our shop to a prospective client, the first question we're asked is why eStyle? So we built you a little infograph to tell you! Please click below, pass it on and contact us anytime to book the facility, recruit or just to chat!
As always, we greatly apprecate your support and ongoing feedback. Thanks for everything.
,[description] => ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => ,[htmlTitle] => ,[sortOrder] => 31,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => ,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[15] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => root,[children] => Array (),[url] => Welcome,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 46,[title] => Welcome,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 0,[content] =>In 2004, we set out to to change how Focus Group Recruiting in Winnipeg was fielded. We wanted to deliver higher caliber respondents, offer a great depth of transparency and execute seamlessly. In 2005, we added a state of the art Focus Group Facility to our suite of services, striving once again for ULTIMATE user experience. Thanks to an incredible team, our client's confidence and our unwillingness to settle, we continue to deliver on our promise to both clients and our panelists.
In 2011, we've achieved game changing milestones. Powered by our sister company StyleLabs, we've built a new online community,, with full social media integration, a multi currency rewards platform and best practices from online giants Facebook and Groupon to maximize enrolment and hedge attrition.
In 2013, we opened the Studios Ultra Lounge - our third Focus Group Facility Initiative in Winnipeg. We used all the technology, infrastructure and best practices from eStyle Studios and Studios 2 and have built (in our opinion) one of the best facilities in Western Canada!
Whether you're looking to recruit or host a group in Winnipeg or across Canada, consider eStyle as your only solution for consistent, best in class fieldwork, logistics and facilitation. Call us anytime at 403-685- We look forward to working with you!
Salina Kassamali – Director
eStyle Group
p.s. We strictly adhere to the standards of the organizations referenced below. Things got busy and we fell a bit behind on renewing a couple of the memberships. We're on it!
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The concept of eStyle started at a Starbucks on 17th Ave Winnipeg 8 years ago. We were a group of University students, studying for final exams and enjoying the antics that the red mile offers! A professional looking lady approached us and began explaining how paid focus groups worked. After indicating that we were interested (starving students, $75 dollars to give our opinion... enough said) she asked if we were smokers. When we indicated we were not, she asked if we would be for 75 bucks. Bad form!
What we realized that day was that there was a void that needed to be filled in Winnipeg's fieldwork realm. That night, one of our Computer Science buddies built us a basic website with a form that respondents could fill out and a logo/name that communicated our mandate: Research with Flair!
As University students, we had access to the entire campus. After passing out some flyers, advertising in the Gauntlet and creating some hype, we had accumulated the names of 3000 students, their parents, teachers, friends and relatives, all who had opted in to participate in focus groups.
Soon after, an opportunity presented itself involving the acquisition of a major Winnipeg player's qualitative division. The rest is history.
Over the next seven years, we've built three outstanding facilities in Winnipeg, a nation-wide panel using a community based tool with FULL social media integration (, launched a pharmaceutical division, opened offices in Winnipeg and continue to deliver cutting edge recruitment at budget friendly rates.
Over the next five years, our goal is to become the DeFacto gateway to fieldwork across Canada. Although our core operation is based in the west, our infrastructure, relationships, technology and in depth knowledge, allow for us to provide a nation-wide service in line with any large scale qualitative field house in Canada.
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1. Somebody called to invite you to participate in a Focus Group for money? YEAH RIGHT! Too good to be true!!
2. You're a client we're trying to convince to use us for National Recruiting. YEAH RIGHT! Only companies in Winnipeg are big enough to take something like that on!!
We've put this short FAQ together to re-assure everyone that 1. IT'S for real, and 2. WE'RE for real!
Is this a SCAM? You want to pay ME for my opinion?
No, this is NOT a SCAM. Market research (more specifically focus groups) are used all the time to get people's opinions on products, services, advertising, policies, etc. before organizations and even the Government spends large marketing dollars on a huge release! The focus group lets them get a perspective on how people respond to a product, concept or ad in a test environment so they know what to expect when they go public with it.
How did you get my number?
There are 3 ways that we recruit people to our focus groups.
One. Through Canada Survey. 75 percent of our respondents in each group come from our online portal we use to invite and reward people for joining our research community. Here, you get points for being screened, showing up on time, or doing one of our syndicated surveys. These points (StyleBucks) can be redeemed for movie tickets, apple dollars or Starbucks goodies!! When something terrible happens in the world, we give respondents the opportunity to donate their points to a charity. This community powered by Samurai Technology was developed by the individual who originally founded eStyle 8 years ago. Check them out by clicking here. They also build the coolest websites, logos, ads, and fan pages!!
Two. Through Random Calling. Literally, we open up the phone book and call the first person our fingers stop at. We try to ensure that at least 25 percent of every project is recruited this way to keep the perspective fresh. We want the opinions in the group to be representative and robust!
Three. One of your friends, family or colleagues reccomended you. They have likely participated in one of our groups and thought you'd be a good fit.
What happens after you recruit me? Why did you call again?
Sorry about that. We know it can be really annoying. Unfortunately we have to do it. See, each of you represent a very specific part of the population. If you forget, or decide not to show up, the research can get messed up. So, here's what you can expect from us after you've been recruited:
Right away, we'll send you a confirmation letter.
24-48 hours after you've been recruited, our supervisor will call to verify your answers. If there is a misunderstanding and you actually don't qualify, it'll be embarrassing for everyone to turn you away when you come here. It's also your opportunity to ask any questions, get directions or re-request your confirmation letter if you've lost it or it got stuck in SPAM.
On the day of, we'll send you a courtesy text message. If you reply, we'll see you at the group! If you don't, someone will give you a reminder call just to make sure you're ok, and to answer any pending questions you have.
If you don't want to be called, you're more than welcome to call us back after you've been recruited and just respond to the text when you get it. We want the experience to be great for you and also give our clients the feedback they need. The better the group goes, the better the products that will be available to you in the market. As cheesy as it sounds, this really does give you the ability to have your opinions heard!
Do I need to give you my credit card information?
Ha! This is Market Research not Telemarketing. The idea is that we pay you, not the other way around! The extent of any financial information we ask you for is the range that your household income falls into. The reason we do this is because we want to ensure that people from all walks of life are represented in the group.
You're just a tiny little company from Alberta. How can I trust you with my national campaign?
Hey, we've definitely learned a lot from our predecessors. In fact, we've taken the best practices from everywhere and built a sound business model. We'll tell you our secret (shhhh.... don't tell anyone):
First, we took every penny we had and built a world class qual. panel using Samurai. Canada Survey is by far the best respondent acquisition and engagement panel anywhere: fully automated word of mouth and super-sized with social media integration. Period. And we have it.
Then, we hired a field guru that has mastered the craft of logistics and field and held him hostage until he helped us build the perfect model for writing screeners, client updates, recruiting and logistical management (incentives, catering, facility bookings, ACROSS CANADA.)
Finally, we put it all together in a non-convoluted, cost effective offering that would deliver ultimate value and wicked results for our clients (and their clients).
Most companies outsource to home recruiters or organizations like eStyle. Why are you any different?
It's because we don't outsource. Every-time we've tried, we've gotten burned or have had to replace groups ourselves at the last minute (our site optimizes really well, you're lucky we're not mentioning names.) So, we built a kick a%^ panel and hired some super savvy field staff with LOTS of life exposure to engage! Then we built alliances with facilities we think are just as cool as we are to keep the moderating and client experience the same.
Does Leger Marketing own eStyle?
NO. Leger Marketing does NOT own eStyle. Last year, our Studios 1 lease was about to expire and the opportunity came up for both firms to merge BOARDROOMS to deliver a better client experience. By consolidating facility business we were able to offer clients a larger space and more options. PLUS our landlord was absolutely gouging us which resulted in higher costs to you, our clients. SO, we packed up our super high end boardroom furniture and our cutting edge technology and we moved to the old Claros/Leger spot where we replicated the eStyle Studios (with some renos) feel in a logistically better space. Without argument, the best facility in Western Canada. Certified by over 50 moderators and hundreds of viewers! So, although Leger is a great recruiting client and our facility business has merged into the "Studios" brand, we are two independent organizations with autonomous management and leadership.
,[description] => Answering questions people ask us all the time! ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => Winnipeg focus groups,canada focus groups,canada survey,focus group facility,focus group recruiting,focus group facilities,,[htmlTitle] => Just to clarify...,[sortOrder] => 15,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => yes,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[2] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => About Us,[children] => Array (),[url] => Our Timeline,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 49,[title] => Our Timeline,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 62,[content] =>2003 - At the age of 23, fresh out of school, Almin Kassamali negotiates an acquisition deal with Connie Ruben, President of Call US Info. eStyle acquired Call Us Info's qualitative department including infrastructure, focus group facility, panel and key personel.
2004 - Almin presented Strategic Realty Management with a roadmap to his Studios concept - A new kind of Focus Group Facility in Winnipeg, with the best of everything! Restaurant calibre hosting, Digital Focus Group recruiting, Research friendly Boardroom architecture and SMART technology.
2005 - eStyle Studios open for business!
2009 - Of 6 Facilities that were open in 2005, on 2 remained, eStyle and QC.
2010 - eStyle completes its 5 year milestone with Strategic Realty Management and is offered the opportuntity to revamp/revive the former Claros/Leger Marketing space as Managing Partner of joint venture.
2010 - eStyle welcomes Salina Kassamali as Managing Director.
2013 - eStyle completes its 3 year agreement with Leger Marketing and launches STUDIOS ULTRA LOUNGE in Mission Winnipeg at 2500 4th Street SW.
The STUDIOS ULTRA LOUNGE is a aggregation of best practices and wish lists we have compiled from our experience building two other facilities. This is our best work yet and we're excited to host you! Give us a call. We'd love to hear from you 403-685-2239.
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Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1,[Subject] => Someone joined your newsletter),[testimonials] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => testimonials,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[contact_form] => CallToAction Object ([id] => contact_form,[ CallToAction formId] => contact_form_form,[ CallToAction formMessage] => Contact,[ CallToAction fields] => Array (),[ CallToAction configArrayKey] => contact_form,[ CallToAction emailName] => Almin,[ CallToAction emailSubject] => ,[ CallToAction error] => There was an error sending your email.,[ CallToAction success] => The email was sent successfully,[ CallToAction body] => The following showing booking has been requested ,[facebookAppId] => ,[ CallToAction facebookAppSecret] => ,[ * config] => /var/www/vhosts/,[absUrl] =>,[urlAbsUrl] =>,[resourceAbsUrl] =>,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[baseDir] => /var/www/vhosts/,[ * dbName] => winnipegfocus,[ * host] => localhost,[ * user] => winnipegfocus,[ * pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[ * development] => ,[local] => ,[ * mysql] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[ Module jQueryUi] => cupertino,[page] => ,[title] => Winnipeg Focus Groups and Market Research,[description] => eStyle is the leader for focus groups, market research, recruiting and focus group facilities in Winnipeg and across Canada,[info404] => You've come to a page that doesn't exist. Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1,[Subject] => Somone wants to talk to you from your website),[slides] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => slides,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[globalKeywords] => GlobalKeywords Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[redirect] => RedirectModule Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[globalDbSearch] => GlobalDbSearch Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*))) called at [/var/www/samurai/working/classes/templates/estyle/classes/layout/AuraPage.php:146] #4 samurai\view\AuraPage->body(Samurai Object ([ Samurai args] => Array ([0] => Services,[1] => 8),[ Samurai samuraiModules] => Array ([page_header] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => page_header)),[home_banner] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => home_banner)),[why_choose_us] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => why_choose_us)),[services] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => services)),[blog] => Array ([class] => BlogModule,[photoWidth] => 773,[photoHeight] => 539),[footer_logo] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => footer_logo)),[about_page] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => about_page)),[teammates] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => teammates)),[user] => Array ([class] => SamuraiUser,[photoWidth] => 400,[photoHeight] => 400),[menu] => Array ([class] => Menu),[gallery] => Array ([class] => PhotoModule),[pageSeo] => Array ([class] => PageSeo),[tags] => Array ([class] => Tags),[newsLetter] => Array ([class] => CallToAction,[args] => Array ([0] => newsLetter,[1] => newsLetter)),[testimonials] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => testimonials)),[contact_form] => Array ([class] => CallToAction,[args] => Array ([0] => contact_form,[1] => contact_form)),[slides] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => slides),[hasPhotos] => 1,[photoWidth] => 800,[photoHeight] => 354),[globalKeywords] => Array ([class] => GlobalKeywords),[redirect] => Array ([class] => RedirectModule),[globalDbSearch] => Array ([class] => GlobalDbSearch)),[ Samurai fbAppId] => 134371396632369,[ Samurai fbSecret] => yyy,[ Samurai absUrl] =>,[ Samurai urlAbsUrl] =>,[ Samurai resourceAbsUrl] =>,[ Samurai config] => SamuraiConfiguration Object ([ SamuraiConfiguration triggers] => Array (),[ SamuraiConfiguration triggerActions] => Array (),[ SamuraiConfiguration pageNotFoundAction] => ,[ SamuraiConfiguration comingSoon] => ,[ SamuraiConfiguration comingSoonPage] => error/comingSoon/comingSoon.php,[ SamuraiConfiguration useFrames] => ,[ SamuraiConfiguration samuraiClass] => Samurai,[ SamuraiConfiguration socialFeeds] => Array ([feedClass] => samurai/modules/SocialFeeds,[feeds] => Array ([twitterFeed] => Array ([consumerKey] => V5Jwa1ESfDFDYTDH3SZCXEFTc,[consumerSecret] => GDny2Urp9LipiaP7OQGIRDxAPWSPKV9DkIXKSR9s7lGjvQ8hus,[accessToken] => 38303643-vKMQXT4Wh2RcYwFuHnM4cP8E5BGekFzBcYFtbKWEn,[accessSecret] => tOitYyWbvvoUWU6u0nAwTEIO0FC5zJR2rzX7DvJY5lral,[id] => 1,[displayName] => Twitter,[className] => samurai/social/TwitterFeed2),[instagramFeed] => Array ([client_id] => 1228e57f177f451aa7d28602d0f63c1d,[secret] => a821be52bf40473fb80f8b174e3904a4,[access_token] => ,[redirect] => galleries,[id] => 2,[displayName] => Instagram,[className] => samurai/social/InstagramFeed2))),[ SamuraiConfiguration mobileMap] => Array (),[env] => Samurai,[development] => ,[db] => winnipegfocus,[user] => winnipegfocus,[location] => Winnipeg,[serverName] =>,[absUrl] =>,[host] => localhost,[pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[securitystring] => 123gYx3sdfaasdfasdfasdffdsa321,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[disqusAccount] => estyle,[jQueryUi] => cupertino,[facebookAppId] => 134371396632369,[googleAnalytics] => UA-58633089-6,[recaptchaSiteKey] => 6LdoSOAUAAAAAGlNS-q-P--yhy_azKLTwvjO1que,[recaptchaSecretKey] => 6LdoSOAUAAAAAEX4yuixeIvS1dXc06WAMhCJfLee,[site_name] => iamsamurai,[emailName] => Almin,[blogsPerPage] => 4,[activeModules] => Array ([page_header] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => page_header)),[home_banner] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => home_banner)),[why_choose_us] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => why_choose_us)),[services] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => services)),[blog] => Array ([class] => BlogModule,[photoWidth] => 773,[photoHeight] => 539),[footer_logo] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => footer_logo)),[about_page] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => about_page)),[teammates] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => teammates)),[user] => Array ([class] => SamuraiUser,[photoWidth] => 400,[photoHeight] => 400),[menu] => Array ([class] => Menu),[gallery] => Array ([class] => PhotoModule),[pageSeo] => Array ([class] => PageSeo),[tags] => Array ([class] => Tags),[newsLetter] => Array ([class] => CallToAction,[args] => Array ([0] => newsLetter,[1] => newsLetter)),[testimonials] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => testimonials)),[contact_form] => Array ([class] => CallToAction,[args] => Array ([0] => contact_form,[1] => contact_form)),[slides] => Array ([class] => ProductModule,[args] => Array ([0] => slides),[hasPhotos] => 1,[photoWidth] => 800,[photoHeight] => 354)),[featureModules] => Array ([page_header] => Array ([db] => page_header,[assetName] => Page Header,[pluralName] => Page Header,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 290,[photoHeight] => 77,[attributes] => Array ([company_name] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Company Name),[phone] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Phone Number),[email] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Email Address),[twitter] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Twitter Link),[facebook] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Facebook Link),[linkedin] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => LinkedIn Link),[youtube] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Youtube Link),[instagram] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Instagram Link),[pinterest] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Pinterest Link),[street_address] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Street Address),[city] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => City),[province] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Province),[postal_code] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Postal Code))),[slides] => Array ([db] => slides,[assetName] => Home Banner Slide,[pluralName] => Home Banner Slide,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 900,[photoHeight] => 398,[attributes] => Array ([top_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Heading),[middle_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Sub Heading),[button_1_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 1 Label),[button_1_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 1 URL),[button_1_icon] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 1 Icon),[button_2_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 2 Label),[button_2_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 2 URL),[button_2_icon] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 2 Icon),[button_3_text] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 3 Label),[button_3_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 3 URL),[button_3_icon] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button 3 Icon))),[services] => Array ([db] => services,[assetName] => Services,[pluralName] => Services,[link] => services,[hasPhotos] => 1,[hasEditor] => 1,[photoWidth] => 800,[photoHeight] => 332),[why_choose_us] => Array ([db] => why_choose_us,[assetName] => Why Choose Us,[pluralName] => Why Choose Us,[link] => ,[hasPhotos] => 1,[hasEditor] => 1,[photoWidth] => 500,[photoHeight] => 500,[attributes] => Array ([subtitle] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Subtitle),[button_label] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button Label),[button_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Button Link))),[testimonials] => Array ([db] => testimonials,[assetName] => Testimonials,[pluralName] => Testimonials,[link] => ,[hasPhotos] => ,[attributes] => Array ([company_name] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Company Name),[company_link] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Company URL),[role] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Role/Relationship))),[footer_logo] => Array ([db] => footer_logo,[assetName] => Footer Logo,[pluralName] => Footer Logo,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 230,[photoHeight] => 75,[attributes] => Array ([company_name] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Company Name))),[about_page] => Array ([db] => about_page,[assetName] => About Page,[pluralName] => About Page,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 800,[photoHeight] => 400,[attributes] => Array ([subtitle] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Subtitle),[body_title] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Body Title))),[teammates] => Array ([db] => teammates,[assetName] => Teammates,[pluralName] => Teammates,[link] => ,[photoWidth] => 360,[photoHeight] => 360,[attributes] => Array ([job_title] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Job Title),[short_caption] => Array ([type] => multi,[label] => Caption),[long_bio] => Array ([type] => multi,[label] => Bio),[twitter] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Twitter),[facebook] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => facebook),[email] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Email),[phone] => Array ([type] => single,[label] => Phone)))),[callToActionData] => Array ([contact_form] => Array ([label] => Contact,[dialogs] => Array ([formMessage] => Contact,[email] =>,[emailName] => Almin,[emailSubject] => Somone wants to talk to you from your website,[error] => There was an error sending your email.,[success] => The email was sent successfully,[body] => The following showing booking has been requested ),[fields] => Array ([id] => ID,[name] => Name,[email] => Email,[phone] => Phone #,[subject] => Subject,[message] => Message,[ip_address] => IP Address)),[newsLetter] => Array ([label] => Newsletter,[dialogs] => Array ([formMessage] => Join Our Newsletter,[email] =>,[emailName] => Almin,[emailSubject] => Someone joined your newsletter,[error] => There was an error sending your email.,[success] => The email was sent successfully,[body] => The following contact information was sent to you: ),[0] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Name,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => name,[restrictions] => required),[1] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Email,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => email,[restrictions] => required email),[2] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Submit Message,[fieldType] => submit,[fieldName] => submit)),[optin] => Array ([label] => Opt-In,[dialogs] => Array ([formMessage] => What is this?,[email] =>,[emailName] => Almin,[emailSubject] => Someone Opted in,[error] => There was an error sending your email.,[success] => The email was sent successfully,[body] => The following opt-in information was sent to you: ),[0] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Name,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => name,[restrictions] => none),[1] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Email,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => email,[restrictions] => none),[2] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Phone,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => phone,[restrictions] => none),[3] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Comment,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => comment,[restrictions] => none))),[blogModules] => Array ([ctaOpen] => contactTab,[ctaAlt] => Choose Stylelabs For Your Campaign,[showBlogImage] => ,[showFeaturedBlogImage] => ,[optPicture] => 1,[optVideoLink] => 1),[menuConfig] => Array ([locked] => Array ([0] => What-We-Do,[1] => About-Us,[2] => About-You,[3] => Samurai)),[database] => winnipegfocus),[ Samurai homepage] => index,[ Samurai isMobile] => ,[ Samurai isTablet] => ,[ Samurai module] => pages,[ Samurai version] => ,[ Samurai user] => SamuraiUser Object ([ * ssoKey] => 37Iq22thyeBMmqsE6xykZj65AefPgzivHjY5ZyD4norCY9zIis083mYp6dXlggEjNEyOAb2sWxfhLTEI5qvAlveaHDEzDqZPOwHG,[ * config] => /var/www/vhosts/,[absUrl] =>,[urlAbsUrl] =>,[resourceAbsUrl] =>,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[baseDir] => /var/www/vhosts/,[ * dbName] => winnipegfocus,[ * host] => localhost,[ * user] => winnipegfocus,[ * pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[ * development] => ,[local] => ,[ * mysql] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[ Module jQueryUi] => cupertino,[page] => ,[title] => Winnipeg Focus Groups and Market Research,[description] => eStyle is the leader for focus groups, market research, recruiting and focus group facilities in Winnipeg and across Canada,[info404] => You've come to a page that doesn't exist. Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1),[ Samurai parentUrl] =>,[ Samurai loginPage] => index,[ Samurai adminLoginPage] => index,[page_header] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => page_header,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[home_banner] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => home_banner,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[why_choose_us] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => why_choose_us,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[services] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => services,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[blog] => BlogModule Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[footer_logo] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => footer_logo,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[about_page] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => about_page,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[teammates] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => teammates,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[menu] => Menu Object ([ * pageHandler] => pages,[menuArray] => Array ([0] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => root,[children] => Array ([0] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => Upcoming Studies,[children] => Array (),[url] => Beer Tasting,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 51,[title] => Beer Tasting,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 45,[content] =>Thanks for agreeing to sign up. For this study, we will be paying $150 and offering free cigarettes to qualified participants for their participation. Please click on the button below, fill out our three minute survey and submit your responses. Remember to share this page with your friends AND we'll:
1. Enter your name into a ballot to win an iPad (1 for every friend you refer)
2. Send you a Starbucks or Tim Horton's coffee card (1 for every qualified referral that completes the study)
Canada's new Anti-Spam Legislation comes into effect this Tuesday, July 1. The legislation will help prevent unwanted spam from finding it's way to your mailbox.
We value your opinion, but in order to keep you notified of upcoming PAID focus groups and surveys, we need your consent! Please click on the button below to provide us with your consent, and be redirected to our online research community!
,[description] => ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => ,[htmlTitle] => ,[sortOrder] => 4,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => ,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[2] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => root,[children] => Array ([0] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => Services,[children] => Array (),[url] => Our Facilities,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 9,[title] => Our Facilities,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 8,[content] =>According to a recent survey we conducted with Moderators, seventy percent of the facilities in Canada require a MAJOR overhaul. They are dated, have paint and furniture from the 80's and overall are a very "vanilla" environment. They are functional, but do NOTHING for user experience.
When we built our facilities, we wanted to eliminate the stoic stigma associated with the focus group environment. Our goal was to create a very social, creative and technologically advanced space that would deliver seamless usability, and an atmosphere respondents and clients would want to come back to time and time again.
With Studios we have aggregated best practices from focus group facilities across North America and have customized each component to yield the aforementioned result. This includes:
- Heated underground parking, and plenty of street parking.
- Childcare facility for respondent and or client use.
- Main Floor, wheelchair accessibility.
- Hand picked furniture.
- High back, executive boardroom chairs.
- Custom built, modular boardroom table.
- Interactive respondent area with two separate entry/exit areas complete with bar tables, armchairs, and a 40 inch LCD TV.
- Closed circuit and mirror viewing for clients.
- Multiview respondent viewing capabilities
- Executive Chef catering.
- PC and Mac systems with TV and HDMI connecting capabilities and viewing.
- Wired/Wireless Internet.
- Printing in monochrome and colour options.
- Restaurant trained hosts and administrative staff.
- High Definition Web Streaming and viewer portal.
- Onsite and Remote Usability Labs
and much, much more!
Choosing The eStyle Studios brand will guarantee moderator, respondent and client comfort, outstanding service and a worry/hassle free facility exceeding your expectations every, single, time.
Give us a shout. Call us for your next facility booking and recruitment need 866.685.2239.
eStyle Group
Winnipeg, AB T2S 1X6
StyleCast is the newest addition to the eStyle Group. In an economic unknown where cost cutting and efficiencies are a necessity of survival, StyleCast provides static and portable web streaming solutions for the market research industry.
Not only is StyleCast available at eStyle Studios, but our technician is able to broadcast remotely from other facilities and even from remote locations for ethnographies, intercepts and physician interviews with compromising broadcast quality.
In 2013, eStyle will be opening up StyleCast for licensing to other facilities across the country.
,[description] => ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => ,[htmlTitle] => ,[sortOrder] => 5,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => yes,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[2] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => Services,[children] => Array (),[url] => Focus Group Recruiting Canada ,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 12,[title] => Focus Group Recruiting Canada ,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 8,[content] =>Recruiting Focus Groups successfully requires a certain level of sophistication, investment in infrastructure and strong ethical standards. This is what you are delivered when hiring eStyle.
It is a commonly known fact that recruiting focus groups in Winnipeg is a challenge. There are other markets like this as well! Every single agency, no matter how incredible they claim to be will eventually hit the same roadblock: frequent fliers, coached respondents, and no shows. Unfortunately, there are only so many numbers that can be dialed and so many referrals that we can ask for.
The answer to this problem is two fold: one is in a disgusting amount of quality assurance, and the other is in developing organically charged communities.
In addition to our team of quality assurance analysts (QA's) we have heavily invested in the development and rollout of our own proprietary portal Canada Survey.
We believe that every time a respondent is screened, they should be compensated. Every-time they show up on time for a group, they should be rewarded. As such, we've developed a currency based portal that encourages respondents to refer friends using our automated tools, keep their information up to date themselves, and involve themselves in the community through interaction with us as well as other respondents. The viral tools, social media integration and organic referral functions have grown our community to over 125,000 active panelists with over 250 signups daily.
This is the way of 2.0 Focus Group Recruiting. Why choose us for your national campaign?
1. We have the Canada Survey Community. By the end of 2013 it will be the largest research community in Canada (we mean it).
2. We have a SWAT team of QA's that will stop at nothing to deliver squeeky clean, creative, intelligent respondents for you.
3. Our results are consistent across Canada.
4. We don't charge you BS administration fees for booking facilities, making catering arrangements, etc.
5. Our network of facilities and suppliers are just as awesome as we are! They will stop at nothing to deliver.
You're one call away from your best Focus Group Recruiting, and Facility experience. 866.685.2239.
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It is a commonly known fact that recruiting focus groups in Winnipeg is a challenge. There are other markets like this as well! Every single agency, no matter how incredible we claim to be will eventually hit the same roadblock: frequent fliers, coached respondents and no shows. Unfortunately, there are only so many numbers that can be dialed and so many referrals that we can ask for.
The answer to this problem is two fold; one is in a disgusting amount of quality assurance and the other is in developing organically charged communities.
In addition to our team of quality assurance analysts (QA's) we have heavily invested in the development and rollout of our own proprietary portal Canada Survey.
We believe that every time a respondent is screened, they should be compensated. Every-time they show up on time for a group, they should be rewarded. As such, we've developed a currency based portal that encourages respondents to refer friends using our automated tools, keep their information up to date themselves and involve themselves in the community through interaction with us as well as other respondents. The viral tools, social media integration and organic referral functions have grown our community to over 125,000 active panelists with over 250 signups daily.
This is the way of 2.0 Focus Group Recruiting. Why choose us for your national campaign?
1. We have the Canada Survey Community. By the end of 2012 it will be the largest research community in Canada (we mean it)
2. We have a SWAT team of QA's that will stop at nothing to deliver squeeky clean, creative, intelligent respondents for you.
3. Our results are consistent across Canada.
4. We don't charge BS administration fees for booking facilities, making catering arrangements, etc.
5. Our network of facilities and suppliers are just as awesome as we are! They will stop at nothing to deliver.
You're one call away from your best Focus Group Recruiting experience. 403-984-3860 x200
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numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 17,[title] => eStyle Respondent Experience,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 16,[content] =>How was your experience? We are striving to continuously get better and want to know how dealing with eStyle has been for you. Give us the good, the bad and the ugly. We can't get better if we don't know what we did wrong. Feel free to use this forum as often as you'd like to express your thoughts, ask questions and discuss with fellow community members and your eStyle team!
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1-866-685-2239 ext. 201 or email us at
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For Apple Mac OS:
Thanks for completing the survey. Please click Enter Discount Code, after selecting quantity of tickets and type SLIMCORE to receive tickets to the Wellness Revolution event at no charge.
Thank you for your interest in supporting our environmental research efforts. We conduct 50-100 focus groups every year in all cities across Canada and are always looking for new participants to share their experiences with and about a constantly evolving environmental industry in Canada. As thank you for your participation, you will receive $75 -$150 for attending our research study. Please fill out the below questionnaire and one of our research associates will follow up when we have a study available in your area!
Please contact us directly at 1-866-685-2239 or if you have any questions
Payment, Incentives, Timelines and Liability
By executing the button executor and organization is jointly liable for the full invoice amount. Terms: 50% Advance, 50% Net 30 on all projects under $10,000. 50% Advance, 25% on Completion Date, 25% Net 30 for projects exceeding $10,000.
All credit card payments are subject to a 3% credit card fee.
Facility Bookings
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement
E-Style Marketing Services Inc. ("ESTYLE") and the approving Client referenced in the estimate document ("CLIENT") agree that PIPEDA’s Privacy Principles are fully enforced in Canada and that the current confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement aims at ensuring all the affairs handled by E-Style Marketing Services Inc. and the approving client will be done in a lawful and fully compliant way.
Principle 1 — Accountability
An organization is responsible for personal information under its control and shall designate an individual or individuals who are accountable for the organization’s compliance with the following principles.
Principle 2 — Identifying Purposes
The purposes for which personal information is collected shall be identified by the organization at or before the time the information is collected.
Principle 3 — Consent
The knowledge and consent of the individual are required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, except where inappropriate.
Principle 4 — Limiting Collection
The collection of personal information shall be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified by the organization. Information shall be collected by fair and lawful means.
Principle 5 — Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. Personal information shall be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
Principle 6 — Accuracy
Personal information shall be as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.
Principle 7 — Safeguards
Personal information shall be protected by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.
Principle 8 — Openness
An organization shall make readily available to individuals specific information about its policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.
Principle 9 — Individual Access
Upon request, an individual shall be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of his or her personal information and shall be given access to that information. An individual shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.
Principle 10 — Challenging Compliance
An individual shall be able to address a challenge concerning compliance with the above principles to the designated individual or individuals accountable for the organization’s compliance. These principles are usually referred to as “fair information principles”. They are included in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private-sector privacy law.
Definition of personally identifiable information (PII): Throughout this agreement, the term PII will be used to represent any personally identifiable information such as but not limited to: names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, pictures and videos of respondents involved in the process of market research as well as expressed opinions and/or any other non-typically personally identifiable information if these can allow the identification of an individual respondent.
E-Style Marketing Services Inc. and the Client agree that:
1.1 E-Style Marketing Services Inc will be inviting its respondents to participate in a research project on behalf of the Client on a one time basis for the purpose of market research.
1.2 In order to appropriately conduct the said market research, PII from E-Style’s respondents will be collected and shared with the Client.
1.3 All PII that will be shared during this study by E-Style and/or its respondents with the Client will only be used within the boundaries delimited by the current agreement.
1.4 All PII must be collected, handled, managed and protected in respect of all the current Canadian Laws, the Intelligence Association’s (MRIA) rules and regulatios as well as industry best practices.
1.5 It is their shared responsibility to ensure the purpose for which the PII is being collected is appropriately described so that the respondents can reasonably understand how E-Style and the Client will make use and limit use of the said PII. E-Style and the client also agree that written consent for such purpose and usage must be obtained from the respondents before or at time of data collection.
1.6 Respondents will be informed of the full extent of usage of their PII when signing the document “Sign Sheet.” E-Style and the Client understand that it is their duty to ensure the engagements taken with the respondents are upheld by all organizations and individuals who will come into contact with the said PII.
1.7 It is their shared responsibility to ensure the respondents’ PII are kept confidential from the research buyer or any third party supplier unless such disclosure was appropriately described so that the respondents canr reasonably understand how E-Style and the Client will disclose the said PII. E-Style and the Client also agree that written consent for such disclosure must be obtained from the respondents before or at time of data collection.
1.8 PII will only be kept on record for as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes and that once these purposes have been fulfilled, all PII provided by E-Style and/or its respondents to the Client, its research buyers and third party suppliers. The Client must inform E-Style in writing that this task was executed.
1.9 The protection of these PII can only be ensured and enforced through formal written contractual agreements with research buyers and third party suppliers. Hence, it is the responsibility of the Client to ensure such agreements are signed and enforced between the client, the research buyers and the third party suppliers before any information is gathered from E-Style’s respondents and shared with the Client.
1.10 If for any reason a breach of contract occurs, the Client will remove all PII from its database, the research buyer’s database, any third party supplier’s database or from any other database that may have come into contact with PII provided by E-Style and/or its respondents through the realization of this study.
1.11 E-Style and the Client agree that they may come in contact with confidential information related to all or any aspects of E-Style and/or the Client, and that disclosing that information to competitors and/or clients of E-Style and/or the Client might be harmful to either or both parties.
1.12 Both parties agree that breaching this agreement cannot be properly compensated by money and therefore will result in legal actions.
1.13 Both parties agree that this is a mandatory contract that will remain in effect until its cancellation through mutual agreement.
By clicking on the "approve" button on the estimate which provided the link to this agreement, you agree and understand that this is considered to be the equivelant of physically endorsing this agreement and accept its full terms as specified in the estimate, terms and conditions and this document.
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Evening Rental (5PM-10:30PM) | 675.00 | |
Full Day Rental (8AM - 10:30PM) | 1300.00 | |
Daytime Rental (8AM-4:30PM) | 1100.00 | |
Morning Rental (8AM-12PM) | 600.00 | |
Audio, Visual, Tech | ||
Web Streaming (StyleCast, proprietary web streaming solution) | 375.00 / Hour | |
Black and White Printing | 0.40 / Page | |
Laptop Computer | 125.00 / Day | |
Projector and Screen | 150.00 / Day | |
Smartboard | 300.00 / Day | |
DVD Recording | 25.00 / Group or IDI | |
MP3 Conversion | 25.00 / Group or IDI | |
Catering | ||
Respondent Catering* | 5.99 | |
Client Catering (not including beverages, or snacks) | 30-50PP | |
Viewing Room Self Serve (Soft drinks and Snacks) | 2.00 | |
Supplementary Staff Service | ||
Notetaker | 45 / Hour | |
Second Host | 35 / Hour | |
Shopping/Supplies/Special Requests | 35 / Hour | |
Incentive Handing | 100 | |
Group Room Setup and Pre test | 35 / Hour | |
Rescreening | 50 / Group |
Dear *|FNAME|*
Back in June you attended a Great Western beer focus group. Great Western Brewery took your words to heart and designed two all new packages for their Great Western product. Great Western would like your help one more time!
We would like to invite you to participate in a short online survey regarding their new packaging. As your feedback is very important to Great Western, we would like to offer you a free case of beer in return for your feedback.
Between now and January 2, 2014, you will be able to click on the link below to fill out the short online survey. The survey has 5 or so questions and will take approximately 2-5 minutes to complete.
The responses you provide will only be used by the Great Western Brewing Company to improve its products and packaging. Your information will not be provided to any other party not associated with the Great Western Brewing Company.
To access the survey, simply click on the link below. If your email does not support hotlinks, cut and paste the link into your browser.
Please DO NOT pass on to your friends as this particular survey is exclusive to those who participated in the focus group discussions held in the spring/summer.
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MPAA.Winnipeg.Group1.Tech Savvy.6PM
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For more information about any of our services at eStyle, contact us on 1-866-685-2239 x 200 or email
Everytime we introduce our shop to a prospective client, the first question we're asked is why eStyle? So we built you a little infograph to tell you! Please click below, pass it on and contact us anytime to book the facility, recruit or just to chat!
As always, we greatly apprecate your support and ongoing feedback. Thanks for everything.
,[description] => ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => ,[htmlTitle] => ,[sortOrder] => 31,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => ,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[15] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => root,[children] => Array (),[url] => Welcome,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 46,[title] => Welcome,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 0,[content] =>In 2004, we set out to to change how Focus Group Recruiting in Winnipeg was fielded. We wanted to deliver higher caliber respondents, offer a great depth of transparency and execute seamlessly. In 2005, we added a state of the art Focus Group Facility to our suite of services, striving once again for ULTIMATE user experience. Thanks to an incredible team, our client's confidence and our unwillingness to settle, we continue to deliver on our promise to both clients and our panelists.
In 2011, we've achieved game changing milestones. Powered by our sister company StyleLabs, we've built a new online community,, with full social media integration, a multi currency rewards platform and best practices from online giants Facebook and Groupon to maximize enrolment and hedge attrition.
In 2013, we opened the Studios Ultra Lounge - our third Focus Group Facility Initiative in Winnipeg. We used all the technology, infrastructure and best practices from eStyle Studios and Studios 2 and have built (in our opinion) one of the best facilities in Western Canada!
Whether you're looking to recruit or host a group in Winnipeg or across Canada, consider eStyle as your only solution for consistent, best in class fieldwork, logistics and facilitation. Call us anytime at 403-685- We look forward to working with you!
Salina Kassamali – Director
eStyle Group
p.s. We strictly adhere to the standards of the organizations referenced below. Things got busy and we fell a bit behind on renewing a couple of the memberships. We're on it!
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The concept of eStyle started at a Starbucks on 17th Ave Winnipeg 8 years ago. We were a group of University students, studying for final exams and enjoying the antics that the red mile offers! A professional looking lady approached us and began explaining how paid focus groups worked. After indicating that we were interested (starving students, $75 dollars to give our opinion... enough said) she asked if we were smokers. When we indicated we were not, she asked if we would be for 75 bucks. Bad form!
What we realized that day was that there was a void that needed to be filled in Winnipeg's fieldwork realm. That night, one of our Computer Science buddies built us a basic website with a form that respondents could fill out and a logo/name that communicated our mandate: Research with Flair!
As University students, we had access to the entire campus. After passing out some flyers, advertising in the Gauntlet and creating some hype, we had accumulated the names of 3000 students, their parents, teachers, friends and relatives, all who had opted in to participate in focus groups.
Soon after, an opportunity presented itself involving the acquisition of a major Winnipeg player's qualitative division. The rest is history.
Over the next seven years, we've built three outstanding facilities in Winnipeg, a nation-wide panel using a community based tool with FULL social media integration (, launched a pharmaceutical division, opened offices in Winnipeg and continue to deliver cutting edge recruitment at budget friendly rates.
Over the next five years, our goal is to become the DeFacto gateway to fieldwork across Canada. Although our core operation is based in the west, our infrastructure, relationships, technology and in depth knowledge, allow for us to provide a nation-wide service in line with any large scale qualitative field house in Canada.
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1. Somebody called to invite you to participate in a Focus Group for money? YEAH RIGHT! Too good to be true!!
2. You're a client we're trying to convince to use us for National Recruiting. YEAH RIGHT! Only companies in Winnipeg are big enough to take something like that on!!
We've put this short FAQ together to re-assure everyone that 1. IT'S for real, and 2. WE'RE for real!
Is this a SCAM? You want to pay ME for my opinion?
No, this is NOT a SCAM. Market research (more specifically focus groups) are used all the time to get people's opinions on products, services, advertising, policies, etc. before organizations and even the Government spends large marketing dollars on a huge release! The focus group lets them get a perspective on how people respond to a product, concept or ad in a test environment so they know what to expect when they go public with it.
How did you get my number?
There are 3 ways that we recruit people to our focus groups.
One. Through Canada Survey. 75 percent of our respondents in each group come from our online portal we use to invite and reward people for joining our research community. Here, you get points for being screened, showing up on time, or doing one of our syndicated surveys. These points (StyleBucks) can be redeemed for movie tickets, apple dollars or Starbucks goodies!! When something terrible happens in the world, we give respondents the opportunity to donate their points to a charity. This community powered by Samurai Technology was developed by the individual who originally founded eStyle 8 years ago. Check them out by clicking here. They also build the coolest websites, logos, ads, and fan pages!!
Two. Through Random Calling. Literally, we open up the phone book and call the first person our fingers stop at. We try to ensure that at least 25 percent of every project is recruited this way to keep the perspective fresh. We want the opinions in the group to be representative and robust!
Three. One of your friends, family or colleagues reccomended you. They have likely participated in one of our groups and thought you'd be a good fit.
What happens after you recruit me? Why did you call again?
Sorry about that. We know it can be really annoying. Unfortunately we have to do it. See, each of you represent a very specific part of the population. If you forget, or decide not to show up, the research can get messed up. So, here's what you can expect from us after you've been recruited:
Right away, we'll send you a confirmation letter.
24-48 hours after you've been recruited, our supervisor will call to verify your answers. If there is a misunderstanding and you actually don't qualify, it'll be embarrassing for everyone to turn you away when you come here. It's also your opportunity to ask any questions, get directions or re-request your confirmation letter if you've lost it or it got stuck in SPAM.
On the day of, we'll send you a courtesy text message. If you reply, we'll see you at the group! If you don't, someone will give you a reminder call just to make sure you're ok, and to answer any pending questions you have.
If you don't want to be called, you're more than welcome to call us back after you've been recruited and just respond to the text when you get it. We want the experience to be great for you and also give our clients the feedback they need. The better the group goes, the better the products that will be available to you in the market. As cheesy as it sounds, this really does give you the ability to have your opinions heard!
Do I need to give you my credit card information?
Ha! This is Market Research not Telemarketing. The idea is that we pay you, not the other way around! The extent of any financial information we ask you for is the range that your household income falls into. The reason we do this is because we want to ensure that people from all walks of life are represented in the group.
You're just a tiny little company from Alberta. How can I trust you with my national campaign?
Hey, we've definitely learned a lot from our predecessors. In fact, we've taken the best practices from everywhere and built a sound business model. We'll tell you our secret (shhhh.... don't tell anyone):
First, we took every penny we had and built a world class qual. panel using Samurai. Canada Survey is by far the best respondent acquisition and engagement panel anywhere: fully automated word of mouth and super-sized with social media integration. Period. And we have it.
Then, we hired a field guru that has mastered the craft of logistics and field and held him hostage until he helped us build the perfect model for writing screeners, client updates, recruiting and logistical management (incentives, catering, facility bookings, ACROSS CANADA.)
Finally, we put it all together in a non-convoluted, cost effective offering that would deliver ultimate value and wicked results for our clients (and their clients).
Most companies outsource to home recruiters or organizations like eStyle. Why are you any different?
It's because we don't outsource. Every-time we've tried, we've gotten burned or have had to replace groups ourselves at the last minute (our site optimizes really well, you're lucky we're not mentioning names.) So, we built a kick a%^ panel and hired some super savvy field staff with LOTS of life exposure to engage! Then we built alliances with facilities we think are just as cool as we are to keep the moderating and client experience the same.
Does Leger Marketing own eStyle?
NO. Leger Marketing does NOT own eStyle. Last year, our Studios 1 lease was about to expire and the opportunity came up for both firms to merge BOARDROOMS to deliver a better client experience. By consolidating facility business we were able to offer clients a larger space and more options. PLUS our landlord was absolutely gouging us which resulted in higher costs to you, our clients. SO, we packed up our super high end boardroom furniture and our cutting edge technology and we moved to the old Claros/Leger spot where we replicated the eStyle Studios (with some renos) feel in a logistically better space. Without argument, the best facility in Western Canada. Certified by over 50 moderators and hundreds of viewers! So, although Leger is a great recruiting client and our facility business has merged into the "Studios" brand, we are two independent organizations with autonomous management and leadership.
,[description] => Answering questions people ask us all the time! ,[pageExpire] => ,[pageUser] => ,[pagePassword] => ,[pageHide] => yes,[pageLink] => ,[videoLink] => ,[tags] => Winnipeg focus groups,canada focus groups,canada survey,focus group facility,focus group recruiting,focus group facilities,,[htmlTitle] => Just to clarify...,[sortOrder] => 15,[popUpLink] => ,[popUpWidth] => 0,[popUpHeight] => 0,[popUpClose] => yes,[requireEmail] => ,[requireName] => ,[requirePhone] => ,[requireComment] => ,[optinInstruction] => ,[optinVideo] => ,[optinImage] => ,[optinNotifyFrom] => ,[optinNotifyReplyTo] => ,[optinNotifyActivate] => 0,[optinNotifySubject] => ,[optinNotifyText] => ,[optinTitle] => ,[welcomeMessage] => ,[groups] => ,[loginWelcomeFrom] => ,[loginWelcomeReplyTo] => ,[loginWelcomeSubject] => ,[loginPublished] => ,[pageTemplate] => default,[url_slug] => ,[featured] => 0)),[2] => MenuItem Object ([parentName] => About Us,[children] => Array (),[url] => Our Timeline,[rawUrl] =>,[ MenuItem pc] => ,[ MenuItem absUrl] =>,[ PageContent photos] => ,[ * tableName] => menu,[ * primaryKey] => menuId,[ * pdo] => PDO Object (),[ * dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => PDO Object (),[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => menu,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * dto] => stdClass Object ([menuId] => 49,[title] => Our Timeline,[link] => ,[hoverText] => ,[parentId] => 62,[content] =>2003 - At the age of 23, fresh out of school, Almin Kassamali negotiates an acquisition deal with Connie Ruben, President of Call US Info. eStyle acquired Call Us Info's qualitative department including infrastructure, focus group facility, panel and key personel.
2004 - Almin presented Strategic Realty Management with a roadmap to his Studios concept - A new kind of Focus Group Facility in Winnipeg, with the best of everything! Restaurant calibre hosting, Digital Focus Group recruiting, Research friendly Boardroom architecture and SMART technology.
2005 - eStyle Studios open for business!
2009 - Of 6 Facilities that were open in 2005, on 2 remained, eStyle and QC.
2010 - eStyle completes its 5 year milestone with Strategic Realty Management and is offered the opportuntity to revamp/revive the former Claros/Leger Marketing space as Managing Partner of joint venture.
2010 - eStyle welcomes Salina Kassamali as Managing Director.
2013 - eStyle completes its 3 year agreement with Leger Marketing and launches STUDIOS ULTRA LOUNGE in Mission Winnipeg at 2500 4th Street SW.
The STUDIOS ULTRA LOUNGE is a aggregation of best practices and wish lists we have compiled from our experience building two other facilities. This is our best work yet and we're excited to host you! Give us a call. We'd love to hear from you 403-685-2239.
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Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1),[gallery] => PhotoModule Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[pageSeo] => PageSeo Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[tags] => Tags Object ([ Tags tags] => Array (),[ * config] => /var/www/vhosts/,[absUrl] =>,[urlAbsUrl] =>,[resourceAbsUrl] =>,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[baseDir] => /var/www/vhosts/,[ * dbName] => winnipegfocus,[ * host] => localhost,[ * user] => winnipegfocus,[ * pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[ * development] => ,[local] => ,[ * mysql] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[ Module jQueryUi] => cupertino,[page] => ,[title] => Winnipeg Focus Groups and Market Research,[description] => eStyle is the leader for focus groups, market research, recruiting and focus group facilities in Winnipeg and across Canada,[info404] => You've come to a page that doesn't exist. Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1),[newsLetter] => CallToAction Object ([id] => newsLetter,[ CallToAction formId] => newsLetter_form,[ CallToAction formMessage] => Join Our Newsletter,[ CallToAction fields] => Array ([0] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Name,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => name,[restrictions] => required,[fieldId] => newsLetter_form_name),[1] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Email,[fieldType] => text,[fieldName] => email,[restrictions] => required email,[fieldId] => newsLetter_form_email),[2] => Array ([fieldLabel] => Submit Message,[fieldType] => submit,[fieldName] => submit,[fieldId] => newsLetter_form_submit)),[ CallToAction configArrayKey] => newsLetter,[ CallToAction emailName] => Almin,[ CallToAction emailSubject] => ,[ CallToAction error] => There was an error sending your email.,[ CallToAction success] => The email was sent successfully,[ CallToAction body] => The following contact information was sent to you: ,[facebookAppId] => ,[ CallToAction facebookAppSecret] => ,[ * config] => /var/www/vhosts/,[absUrl] =>,[urlAbsUrl] =>,[resourceAbsUrl] =>,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[baseDir] => /var/www/vhosts/,[ * dbName] => winnipegfocus,[ * host] => localhost,[ * user] => winnipegfocus,[ * pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[ * development] => ,[local] => ,[ * mysql] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[ Module jQueryUi] => cupertino,[page] => ,[title] => Winnipeg Focus Groups and Market Research,[description] => eStyle is the leader for focus groups, market research, recruiting and focus group facilities in Winnipeg and across Canada,[info404] => You've come to a page that doesn't exist. Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1,[Subject] => Someone joined your newsletter),[testimonials] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => testimonials,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[contact_form] => CallToAction Object ([id] => contact_form,[ CallToAction formId] => contact_form_form,[ CallToAction formMessage] => Contact,[ CallToAction fields] => Array (),[ CallToAction configArrayKey] => contact_form,[ CallToAction emailName] => Almin,[ CallToAction emailSubject] => ,[ CallToAction error] => There was an error sending your email.,[ CallToAction success] => The email was sent successfully,[ CallToAction body] => The following showing booking has been requested ,[facebookAppId] => ,[ CallToAction facebookAppSecret] => ,[ * config] => /var/www/vhosts/,[absUrl] =>,[urlAbsUrl] =>,[resourceAbsUrl] =>,[conf_sess_sec] => fea4296d69832f8cf501363c267155f5,[baseDir] => /var/www/vhosts/,[ * dbName] => winnipegfocus,[ * host] => localhost,[ * user] => winnipegfocus,[ * pass] => S@mur@1D@t@,[ * development] => ,[local] => ,[ * mysql] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[ Module jQueryUi] => cupertino,[page] => ,[title] => Winnipeg Focus Groups and Market Research,[description] => eStyle is the leader for focus groups, market research, recruiting and focus group facilities in Winnipeg and across Canada,[info404] => You've come to a page that doesn't exist. Click here to return,[keywords] => Winnipeg focus groups,Winnipeg market research,paid focus groups,canada focus groups,Winnipeg focus group recruiting,canada focus group moderator,[pdo] => PDO Object (),[dba] => DBA Object ([ DBA debugModel] => 1,[ DBA pdo] => ,[ DBA statement] => ,[ DBA fetchStyle] => ,[ DBA fetchColumn] => ,[ DBA defaultTable] => ,[ DBA command] => ,[ DBA selectExp] => ,[ DBA insertColumns] => ,[ DBA copyColumns] => ,[ DBA updateTable] => ,[ DBA deleteTable] => ,[ DBA queryCommand] => ,[ DBA fromExp] => ,[ DBA whereExp] => ,[ DBA orderByExp] => ,[ DBA havingExp] => ,[ DBA groupByExp] => ,[ DBA limitExp] => ,[ DBA setExp] => ,[ DBA intoTable] => ,[ DBA paramList] => ,[ DBA renameColumns] => ,[ DBA changeColumns] => ,[ DBA numRows] => ,[ DBA errorMessage] => ),[ * database] => ,[ * disqusAccount] => estyle,[vimeoApi] => Array (),[samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*,[defaultConfig] => /var/www/vhosts/,[dbLink] => 1,[Subject] => Somone wants to talk to you from your website),[slides] => ProductModule Object ([ * module] => slides,[ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[globalKeywords] => GlobalKeywords Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[redirect] => RedirectModule Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*),[globalDbSearch] => GlobalDbSearch Object ([ * samurai] => Samurai Object ( *RECURSION*))) called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #5 include(/var/www/vhosts/ called at [/var/www/samurai/working/classes/Samurai.class.php:350] #6 Samurai->redirectTo(templates/estyle/classes/actions/pages/ShowMyPage) called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #7 include(/var/www/vhosts/ called at [/var/www/samurai/working/classes/Samurai.php:120] #8 include(/var/www/samurai/working/classes/Samurai.php) called at [/var/www/vhosts/]It appears that a ninja may have stolen this page, Samurai must now perform seppuku.
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Check your spelling to make sure that you have typed the url correctly. Use the links at the bottom of this page to navigate back to the main site.